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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Beatrix Potter self published but was it a secret? It was not mentioned in the film

When I recently found out by chance that Beatrix Potter self published her first book the Tale of Peter Rabbit before being taken up by the Publishing Company Frederick Warne and Company in 1902, I was amazed! Last night I mentioned the information I had found out about Beatrix Potter to my friend who had recommended I watch the Beatrix Potter film about the children's author's life. And even my friend who reads a lot and has really studied this author did not know this information.

When I and my friend watched the film as far as I can remember there was no mentioned that Beatrix Potter self published her children's book before finding a publisher. Is this because self publishing is looked down upon? My friend said to me if a publisher will not take a book that means it is not meant to be published!

Beatrix Potter was a lucky lady as she had wealth on her side. They say that money goes to money, ha ha.

Here is a little video which shows my own little rabbit Sunset Bunny the Easter Fairy. I created little ACEO art cards that I hope to one day auction off for Cystic Fibrosis. And I am reading part of the Easter Story. I must have a look at just how much I have donated to the Cystic Fibrosis charity over the years. What I have found is the rich people I have met have not been very nice. Money seems to be all they think about and they don't care who they hurt to get it. It would be refreshing to come across a rich person with morals!

I love the music to Sunset Bunny the Easter fairy, it is jolly and fun.

Happy Easter everyone. And for those who have or are thinking of self publishing I wish you lots of luck you are going to need it., fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's)

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Scrapbook postcard Sunset Bunny the Easter Fairy and the Easter egg hunt

I thought it would be nice to scrapbook an Easter postcard, so here it is Sunset Bunny the Easter Fairy. An easy way to send thank you cards for those Easter Eggs. Images from my Butterfly Lullaby fairy book. Well it beats burning the books, ha ha. Long story! For those of you that have been following my blog, you will know that this little Easter character was created for little Jodie and others like her with Cystic Fibrosis.

I was hoping to get some help and support to do a Sunset Bunny the Easter Fairy Easter Egg Hunt with a touch of fairy magic, purely for Cystic Fibrosis, but as usual there is no help or support, which I find sad as I have given to this charity even when I have had no salary coming in whatsoever.

Below you can see some other examples of cheap postcards you can create:

Here is the link to my original blog on how to make cheap postcards. I have had some great comments so give it a try:

Well have a lovely Easter everyone. Here is part of the Sunset Bunny the Easter Fairy story I created for
Cystic Fibrosis. Shame there is no support for raising money with this story from big companies. I guess it is all about profit in the world we live in today. Would be nice if one business proved me wrong! At least Sylvanian Emporium on Ebay have a heart. Lovely, kind people. So there is some hope from the little people!

I am going to leave you with something to think about. I have two true stories to tell you and this is about people that have been wrongly convicted of a crime and how they have been treated. My message to everyone is don't believe everything you read, give the person a chance to tell their side of the story. Try and get the facts before you judge someone and remember  in our Country innocent until proven guilty does not exist. However I do have to complement the Internet Police and I personally feel very sad that Police officers who are of a certain age and full of wisdom are made to retire. The more knowledge the better the job gets done. Here are two examples of two Mum's who have been wrongly convicted:

One lady worked for a charity. Police turned up at her door and accused her of stealing money from the charity. In front of her children they arrested her and took her away. They threw her in a Police cell and kept her there all night. It later turned out that it was her bosses had stolen money from the charity! These rich horrible, greedy people not only stole from a charity but they put the blame on a poor working class Mother. Did she get any compensation for all the trauma she was put through, no of course not. Because the law does not protect the weak and vulnerable. This lady since this horrific event took place has been taking anti depressant tablets and is a nervous wreck. Please tell me where is the justice when you need it!

Another lady who has a very good reputation for cleaning in my area has ended up being taken to court for stealing from an old lady. Let's face it as you get older your memory goes to pot so I am shocked that they had not investigated this properly before throwing this poor women in jail. This lady used to clean for our school. Bags were always in her grasp and no one ever had a penny go missing. Her best friend works with us at our school and she is one of the kindest ladies I have ever met and would not be friends with anyone that steals that's for sure! Anyway this poor Mother was thrown in jail and had to stay over night. No one listened to her side of the story. The papers got to write whatever they wanted about her and did a great job of making her look bad so people pointed the finger and judged her. The courts did not even listen to her side of the story and it is costing her a fortune to go to court. One way to get money out of people, nice little earner! But let me tell you now. This lady went out of her way to  help this old lady. She went shopping for her and always gave her the receipts "which was her downfall." As she has no evidence of what she purchased for her. This poor Mother is also on anti depressant tablets and keeps having panic attacks. This has destroyed her life. She no longer works and people are judging her because of what the stupid paper wrote. If you were rich you would be able to take the paper to court. But of course working class people do not have this luxury!

So my Easter message to everyone is never judge a book by it's cover and always give a person a chance to tell you their side of the story, because a lot of innocent people get wrongly convicted. People always jump to the wrong conclusions without the evidence to to back it up. The law needs to change to protect the working class and to treat them as human beings "innocent until proven guilty!" And as for these anti depressant drugs they are dished out like dolly mixtures. Yes some people need them, but what they really need is a change of life, hope for a better future, not a magic pill., fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's)

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