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Sunday, 16 February 2014

Minecraft Game

Minecraft Game. Can someone explain this game to me. Did he really say "CHILDREN!" Are children characters trapped in a pen? I would really like to find out about this game because as a MOTHER, I only want my child to build. Animals are creatures kids love. And children are innocent beings. So what is going on?

Why would anyone produce a game that teaches children to do this ...

Children love Folly Farm and Zoo's, because they like seeing the animals. My daughter enjoys building, but the animal stuff in Minecraft upsets her. Why would any child want to play a game that hurts animals? This is playing with their little minds!

Parents really need to research what is happening in STATE RUN CHILDREN'S HOMES! To understand my questions. Parents don't forget Jimmy Savile and what the rich and powerful are capable of! 

My Nan was a child orphan and a victim of our disturbing State Child Care System. So, I would really like some answers. 

So many children are playing this game! Please update me with your thoughts. But have some compassion for all the poor kids suffering in the State Child Care System, before telling me this is just a game, because I am not laughing! It is time for the Games Industry to start liaising with good Mothers and Fathers to create games that are child and family friendly and teach children to be good kind people that care about all creatures great and small.

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story


Melody, my daughter, has been asked to do a Lego Event in a Library in Pontarddulais, Swansea, Wales. The Event is to take place in March 2014. We are just Mind Mapping the prizes and entertainment. My daughter is an entertainer, just like her father. She cannot wait to do this event!


One of the prizes has been donated by Sammy. A single father. He is a lovely, kind person. And he has given us yet another, free, Custom Made, Mr Gold. WOW! We were bidding on Ebay for Mr Gold and won. When I showed Sammy Melody's Lego Animations, and told him that we were going to use Mr Gold for a song she had created, he ended up giving her Mr Gold as a Christmas Gift. We were totally blown away with his kindness. And cannot believe he has refunded the money, I paid him, for the Library Event Mr Gold. Thanks Sammy! You are a lovely kind person and we truly appreciate your support.

What child would not want to win this hand made Lego character?

I am going to see if I can make a custom made fairy character of Melody, as the Butterfly Princess. She is in my story book "Butterfly Lullaby." And I want to make Prince Stinger. Melody will sign the book she is in and give it away as a prize with the songs from the Butterfly Lullaby story and added Lego songs of her own.
Melody hopes to create a Lego Animation of the Butterfly Story with the custom made Lego characters.


We both thought it would be nice to raise some money for two charities that are very close to our hearts. One is for Cystic Fibrosis, Jodie, my Cousins daughter has this illness and so did Paul (My other cousin) who sadly died at the young age of 20. Maybe I should make Sunset Bunny the Easter Fairy? I created this story especially for Jodie's Cystic Fibrosis Charity. This story is no longer on I Tunes or Amazon.

The other charity will be in my Nan's memory. She was a child orphan and had a horrific time in state care. I often think about her at four years old crying for her Mummy and Daddy and feeling so alone. She read to escape the abuse in state care, it took her away to another land, which gave her strength to carry on.
My Nan's story makes me feel very humble and lucky that I had a truly magical childhood thanks to all our family and friends and my very special Nan's. Her ordeal makes me think of other children and ask "What can I do to help them?" Every child needs someone to care about them.


Here is some old cine footage of me with my sister and cousins, as a child in Hastings in the UK. My Nan made sure she took lots of Cine film and photos of us as children, so we can look back on the good old days. It was very important to her, because she did not have one picture of her Mother and Father or photos of her as a child. I luckily came across family that had photos of her Mum and Dad, but feel sad that she never got to see these beautiful photographs. I enjoy hearing other peoples stories so please share them with us the Butterfly Lullaby way.

Here is a photo of  my Nan's Mother and Father. As you can see they were not poor people. So it begs the question, how did she end up in care? And what happened to the family fortune? I would love to find out what happened to her dead fathers army pension and why she never received a penny from it in state care. I want to make a Lego Film in remembrance of my lovely Nan.

This is my lovely Nan. She died feeling ugly because of the colour of her skin. I am proud of her Burmese routes. And glad her English/French Father married her Burmese Mother. And that is what I love about Lego. The main characters are yellow. There is no racism, because everyone is the same.

Melody has a friend in care. He is 12 years old and told he is too old to play with Lego. He wants to live with his Grandmother, but Grandparents have no rights in the UK. And it would seem that children don't have any either. Melody has written him a song called Voo Voo. It is about how he wishes he could escape to the moon with his Grandmother.


Melody's Never too old for Lego Jingle.

Here is a link to Melody's Lego Animations (Brick Films.) We would like to move all Melody's You Tube videos to our website when we can afford the IT. And can find someone with the same child and family friendly values as we have.

Click on this image below with the right side of your mouse. And save as to your computer.
Share with family and friends. The Lego Movie gave an important message and that was "You can build on your own, but it is far better to build as a team!""

Contact me, Melody's Mummy, by email:

Here is Melody singing and thanking Home Schooled friends for their contribution to her Never too old for Lego Radio show. We have left Freedom Talk Radio, re the Live Version. But will still do a weekly show for her above blog and hopefully get sponsorship to do real radio again later on. Mia's Mum wrote to me and said thank you, my children are over the moon and so proud that Melody gave them a mention. Mia is a talented song writer, so we hope she will continue to write more Lego songs for Melody to sing. Her song "We love Lego" is BRILLIANT!

Melody loves home school. She today played with an old friend from state school. I am so glad they are friends again. And I feel sorry for kids in state school as I have spoken to many teachers and they all seem very stressed out. So you can just imagine just how pressured the poor kids are.


I don't know about you, but I feel very lucky that I have been blessed with loving family and friends.
And I love spending time with my daughter. She has a letter from Prince William re her singing stories.

And Rachel R Russel, the author of the Dork Diaries, also supports Melody and home school.
We will post a copy of her letter soon! Sarah from the Library cannot wait to see this letter too.

And catch up with Melody's Never too old for Lego Radio Show on her blog!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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