When we went to Weymouth for the Sailing Olympics to visit family we had a look around Weymouth's Pamperred Pets and met Flopsy the very cute bunny rabbit. Little Snowflake fell in love with Flopsy and named him Flopsy because of his very floppy ears. I wonder if anyone has brought him? He was full of bouncy personality a real character! She so wanted to take him home but I don't think Cindy Woo would have been too impressed our black Easter Bunny rabbit. Meet Cindy Woo:
As you can see from the above photograph of Flopsy, Little Snowflake made him into a Blue Nose Toy character like the Tatty Teddies which she also adores. Here is Little Snowflake showing you how to draw one of the Tatty Teddy Blue Nose Toys. At the end of this video I think there is a picture of Cindy Woo our pet Bunny Rabbit in the paddling pool with Little Snowflake:
Just take a look at Cindy Woo in the rain, she hated our paddling pool when Little Snowflake took her for a dip but just loved sitting in the rain this year when we let her out before she decided to adventure over the fence to the next doors neighbours.
I think if we had moved down to Weymouth and brought Flopsy the Bunny rabbit from Pampurredpets our Cindy Woo Bunny would have bitten him just like she bit Toothless, Little Snowflakes Christmas toy. Yes I think we can honestly say Cindy Woo gets jealous of rivals!
Don't forget to enter our Paralympic art competition for kids. See blog for details:
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