3ds Max image my partner created of a bathroom. The 3ds Gaming course is costing £135 a month which amounts to over £5,000 once it has totally been paid for. Has anyone completed this home Gaming Course and got regular freelance work?
My partner signed up for the 3ds Gaming Course last year. He is a serious on line gaming addict, so much so it has caused many arguments in our relationship. The amount of money wasted on his game addiction is something that bugs the hell out of me, but I understand he needs to relax as his jobs have been extremely stressful with salaries that put shame on the rich. Any mothers out their with husbands/partners that are addicted to playing on line games on the Internet will know the saying when they ask for help "can't help right now as I have to finish this game!" You start thinking their on line game playing is more important than family life. There is no way on earth he will ever finish this 3ds Max Gaming Course, so I am going to have to beg to take it over. This 3ds max game course is costing over £5,000, paying monthly payments of £135.00 a month, £150 when the money does not go out of his account, which we seriously cannot afford to do but then money management has never been his strong point! But I am proud of him as he is working very hard now to try and get us out of a financial mess and I understand how low salaries can bring you down.
Here is a little animation I created using Photoshop images. It is not brilliant but considering this is the first ever animation I have ever created with no programme just Photoshop images and the free slide show software I don't think I did too badly. The icing on the cake is the fact I have someone famous from children's TV reading out my story Colour me a fairies wish. After all it caught the attention of people that do not want me to do well and they sent me a crash and burn which destroyed my animated templates and all my hard work. But worse than that they attacked the little girl in the video with a disgusting message. So a message to all the Internet Providers it is time for you to put our children first and make the Internet a safer place for children and families. I have written to four Governments all over the world and sadly I am not happy with the outcome! Why does the tax payer put up with them? After all they are paid by the tax payer.
I am waiting for my partner to put all his 3ds Max images onto my memory key so I can create a video of his progress so far. Question is will he be able to help me with the course or will he be too busy playing the silly games. Yes you guessed it I hate these stupid games as it takes away from family life. But this is a matter of survival and making sure my little girl has a future with a job that will pay her a decent salary so she never has to go through what I have as a struggling mother living in the UK. Fighting against sexism and racism is no laughing matter!
The big question is will the Gaming Course transfer this 3ds Max to me or will they look at it as another way to milk the struggling? My partner took out a home course a few years back for Web Design, he never finished that course either. They said for me to take it over would cost an extra £170. So that is over £2000 wasted. I wonder if I could get that transferred to my friends son and then he could look after my IT needs. Worth looking into when we have the spare money. Hopefully my Google Blog will start paying for itself so we can get out of this mess.
Our little girl is a brilliant artist, here are some of her original drawings along with her voice singing Heal the World. I think she will make an amazing games animator, but an even better film animator and story teller.
Well wish me luck with this 3ds Max Course and I will let you know just how sympathetic these people are to me taking over his gaming course. No doubt they will try and rip me off as they all do!
If you have time I would love you to take a look at my art and word competition for children, translating English words to Welsh and other languages using images and postcards. And then tell me why the Council did not want to use my little girls images for their website when the web designers loved them and asked for the images? Why the English and Welsh schools in Wales are not allowed to do this art and word competition with Mummy because of Welsh and English British Politics! At the end of the day I may be dyslexic but the schools could help me with the words and they were getting 50% so why should I be quizzed on what my half is for when independent school photographers are there as a business! Why should I not be allowed to earn and provide for my child?
Do you think me fighting to save our children's school butterfly meadow and sports field has anything to do with the Council not wanting to work with me? After all I got Actor Michael Sheen to write a letter of support with our images of butterflies. Or is it just because I am an English Women living in Wales?
You tell me from this Welsh Man's Blog if you think English People living in Wales have problems with racism? I have many wonderful Welsh friends and neighbours so please remember that we cannot say Wales is racist, but merely some people are. And it needs dealing with for all our children's sake.
Here is my little girl crying her eyes out asking why will no one help me? Mummy was seriously miss sold on the house and the damp and black mould effects her asthma. She has a never ending asthma cough and is forever getting chest infections which makes it hard for her to breathe easy. We currently both sleep downstairs on sofas because her bedroom makes her cough. The flat roof I paid towards was meant to have a 20 year guarantee but of course these people have not honoured that commitment. The main roof has bathroom sealant on the roof tiles and no felt under the tiles. Amazing the mortgage company failed to pick up on that but then what do they care I paid a huge lump sum of the mortgage so they were covered! Mothers have the right to work from home safely and should have all the support from our Governments as possible. But instead they put themselves before our children. So this is a gaming course I intend on winning. Justice for struggling and mothers is one game I would love to create and put shame on our world!
Any help and support with this gaming animation course would be greatly appreciated.
Struggling Mothers you need to speak out and tell your story! Get in touch I am on Facebook! Believe me I know how some people bully you to put up and shut up, but we as Mothers have to fight back verbally for our children's future, especially our little girls!
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE: http://www.facebook.com/people/Sharon-J-Bainbridge/595087537 www.butterflylullaby.co.uk, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story
My partner signed up for the 3ds Gaming Course last year. He is a serious on line gaming addict, so much so it has caused many arguments in our relationship. The amount of money wasted on his game addiction is something that bugs the hell out of me, but I understand he needs to relax as his jobs have been extremely stressful with salaries that put shame on the rich. Any mothers out their with husbands/partners that are addicted to playing on line games on the Internet will know the saying when they ask for help "can't help right now as I have to finish this game!" You start thinking their on line game playing is more important than family life. There is no way on earth he will ever finish this 3ds Max Gaming Course, so I am going to have to beg to take it over. This 3ds max game course is costing over £5,000, paying monthly payments of £135.00 a month, £150 when the money does not go out of his account, which we seriously cannot afford to do but then money management has never been his strong point! But I am proud of him as he is working very hard now to try and get us out of a financial mess and I understand how low salaries can bring you down.
Here is a little animation I created using Photoshop images. It is not brilliant but considering this is the first ever animation I have ever created with no programme just Photoshop images and the free slide show software I don't think I did too badly. The icing on the cake is the fact I have someone famous from children's TV reading out my story Colour me a fairies wish. After all it caught the attention of people that do not want me to do well and they sent me a crash and burn which destroyed my animated templates and all my hard work. But worse than that they attacked the little girl in the video with a disgusting message. So a message to all the Internet Providers it is time for you to put our children first and make the Internet a safer place for children and families. I have written to four Governments all over the world and sadly I am not happy with the outcome! Why does the tax payer put up with them? After all they are paid by the tax payer.
The big question is will the Gaming Course transfer this 3ds Max to me or will they look at it as another way to milk the struggling? My partner took out a home course a few years back for Web Design, he never finished that course either. They said for me to take it over would cost an extra £170. So that is over £2000 wasted. I wonder if I could get that transferred to my friends son and then he could look after my IT needs. Worth looking into when we have the spare money. Hopefully my Google Blog will start paying for itself so we can get out of this mess.
Anyway here are some images I created using Photoshop. I used to have a shop on my website until the Gremlins found a way to shut me down. When I did my digital photography course my tutor was just learning Photoshop himself, thrown in at the deep end. He was amazed how I progressed and
ended up wanting me to teach him. Now that is a complement, especially as I have grown up made to feel worthless because I do not have one qualification to my name. Not by my parents but our English / British society that calls people like me thick and stupid!
"Can I have your 3ds Max images honey?" This is the third time this morning I have asked him. "Wait a minute!" Is his reply. You guessed it he is playing his on line games as usual. Which means boy have I got a struggling road ahead of me, but hopefully thanks to You Tube and Google I will find tutorials that will get me to the end of this Gaming road and I will get the qualification I need to not only earn a decent salary. But to give my little girl a better future and teach her all I know about creating animated games. If only the course was to create animated films I would be a bit more enthusiastic as I seriously hate on line games and the family arguments that have caused in the past. Now I just let him get on with his silly gaming games as I cannot be bothered with the grief. Maybe one day he will grow up and realise his real talent is his music. But I have to say I am very proud of him for not giving up on life and us as a family as some of the jobs he has had have been so badly paid with extremely high petrol costs, it has got us in all sorts of debt. I am proud of you honey for working so hard now, we both are! I know that low salaries and me nagging got you down. Wow when it comes to working hard now, you certainly are. Thank you! Just shows that if the salary is a better one people work harder. Only problem is he is self employed so needs to earn a huge amount to cover sick and holiday leave.
Here is our little girl singing part of a made up song she did with Daddy. The music in the background was created by her father Jakson Lee. If you search for singer Jakson Lee from Swansea you will see a lot of his original songs and music as well as covers. As a family we are a great team for animating games / films as you need music, voices and images.
It amazes me the way the UK and it's snobby, racist culture does not help struggling Mothers.International Business Wales made me feel worthless and then he went to kiss me on the lips on the way out to add salt to the wound. Was it because I am an English women? Am I really useless? What do you think? I created these little plastic characters from my daughters drawings.
Well wish me luck with this 3ds Max Course and I will let you know just how sympathetic these people are to me taking over his gaming course. No doubt they will try and rip me off as they all do!
If you have time I would love you to take a look at my art and word competition for children, translating English words to Welsh and other languages using images and postcards. And then tell me why the Council did not want to use my little girls images for their website when the web designers loved them and asked for the images? Why the English and Welsh schools in Wales are not allowed to do this art and word competition with Mummy because of Welsh and English British Politics! At the end of the day I may be dyslexic but the schools could help me with the words and they were getting 50% so why should I be quizzed on what my half is for when independent school photographers are there as a business! Why should I not be allowed to earn and provide for my child?
Do you think me fighting to save our children's school butterfly meadow and sports field has anything to do with the Council not wanting to work with me? After all I got Actor Michael Sheen to write a letter of support with our images of butterflies. Or is it just because I am an English Women living in Wales?
You tell me from this Welsh Man's Blog if you think English People living in Wales have problems with racism? I have many wonderful Welsh friends and neighbours so please remember that we cannot say Wales is racist, but merely some people are. And it needs dealing with for all our children's sake.
Here is my little girl crying her eyes out asking why will no one help me? Mummy was seriously miss sold on the house and the damp and black mould effects her asthma. She has a never ending asthma cough and is forever getting chest infections which makes it hard for her to breathe easy. We currently both sleep downstairs on sofas because her bedroom makes her cough. The flat roof I paid towards was meant to have a 20 year guarantee but of course these people have not honoured that commitment. The main roof has bathroom sealant on the roof tiles and no felt under the tiles. Amazing the mortgage company failed to pick up on that but then what do they care I paid a huge lump sum of the mortgage so they were covered! Mothers have the right to work from home safely and should have all the support from our Governments as possible. But instead they put themselves before our children. So this is a gaming course I intend on winning. Justice for struggling and mothers is one game I would love to create and put shame on our world!
Any help and support with this gaming animation course would be greatly appreciated.
Struggling Mothers you need to speak out and tell your story! Get in touch I am on Facebook! Believe me I know how some people bully you to put up and shut up, but we as Mothers have to fight back verbally for our children's future, especially our little girls!
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE: http://www.facebook.com/people/Sharon-J-Bainbridge/595087537 www.butterflylullaby.co.uk, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story