Contact me, Sharon J. Bainbridge, on You Tube: Or Facebook:
(Child & family friendly adverts please!)
Japanese Knotweed (Resveratrol) Soap, Face cream and Warrior!
Sing and learn home school for children. I am a mother that believes in teamwork and working together to create a better and happier world for our children. Here is my little girl, Little Snowflake teaching children how to spell "Except" and "Expect" with a song we made up.
Are you home schooling? If so why? I hope that one day Mothers will support our goals for a better future for all our children all around the world.
Dream big, get things done and change the world! Well I am still trying and very much hope that things change soon as Children, Mothers and Fathers deserve to be happy!Western Culture has to change and men must be taught to respect us as human beings! Contact: Sharon J. Bainbridge English Flower alien Mother with a dream so big, I may have to find another planet!
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story
Little Snowflakes E book. My little girl really wants to publish her children's story as an E book! She has hand drawn some of the characters in her story. And also written most of the story in pencil. Today she wanted to have a go at typing it out in word, well Mummy was impressed as this is brilliant for home schooling. She managed to type out two pages with just thumb and fingers! Bless! Words she struggled with like "waterfall" and "said" she has no learnt off by heart. His nibs keeps calling me and bugging me about has the school called yet because she is being home schooled now. I wish he would just chill! Mummy and Little Snowflake are enjoying and considering she used to hate reading, it is lovely to see her having fun writing a story and typing it out. I wonder how easy it is to create an E book?Will have to check out these videos!
Amanda Hocking self published e book millionaire. Good for her! Just shows you these publishers just do not have a clue! I love these sort of stories. So never, ever give up!
My little girl seems to have a gift of just making things up on the spot. I wonder if she will be a writer/singer or animator? Maybe all three who knows! One thing she wants to do is create E books!
Dream big, get things done and change the world! Well I am still trying and very much hope that things change soon as us Mothers and Children deserve to be happy! Contact: Sharon J. Bainbridge English Flower alien Mother with a dream so big, I may have to find another planet! SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story
Home school children stop anxiety. Problem is most families are being paid such awful low salaries home schooling is out of the question. We are no different, but as a Mother I owe my child to be the best Mother I can be, the one my poor ill mother could not be and the Mother my Nan never had. The thing is are we not taxed to send our children to school? How much does it cost to send a child to school and how much do we pay as the tax payer? The Council/Government put too much pressure on schools to perform and be the best school, instead of looking at the bigger picture of the damages it can cause to children's health long term. Every child is different, some soak things up like a sponge because they are blessed with good memories whilst others have poor memories and a little bit of dyslexia thrown in which slows them down. My child needs to learn at a slower pace and have one to one tuition! I can give her the curriculum that will get her a job in what she is good at, English (help from teacher friends) art/animation/story telling/singing and of course we will have to do some maths and geography! She will also have a huge portfolio of all her art here on You Tube/Google. If that does not impress the boss what will? Is history important, not when it comes to getting a job! And as for the bible well Adam eat that apple not Eve and that is why we have Adam's apple! Some man wrote the story to keep women in line, along with the fact they are allowed many wives, nothing has changed there then! Seriously RE needs to be banned as it causes so many wars and shows children just how badly grown ups act, always fighting to be the right religion instead of a worldly team of people acting for all our children and putting them first instead of their selfish selves. I believe in God but there is no way I would ever join any plastic church! Praying all the time does not change the world, people do!
When I talk to many people with mental illness I see a pattern. One is that they have had their childhood stolen from them by some selfish man and the other is that they were bullied and made to feel stupid in school. Here is my sisters poem, which we made into a song called Mother. It is about how she has mirrored my Mothers illness. Now I believe if those bad things did not happen and they both had happy, stress free lives they would not be ill today! They have met too many bullying men in their life that have dragged them so far down they cannot get up to breathe. Of course some people are stronger than others, and thankfully I take after my Nan who had the heart of a lion with so much kindness thrown in. If anyone deserved a mental breakdown she did, but she never gave up on life or us! Thankfully my Step Father is one man that I can truly respect as he is still their for us all, another very strong character! And you need to be to live with my Mother believe me. I love her dearly but her illness is very difficult to live with so he deserves an award!
The problem our world has is that they label everything. It is 100% normal to get upset when life is bullying you and treating you unkindly. You don't need to pop some silly happy pill to feel better, but instead solve the problem by stopping whatever is making you unhappy! Yes some people are ill and life has made them that way like my Sister and Mother. But some can be saved! And I intend on saving my little girl and never, ever letting her walk down that dark path alone, but being there for her every step of the way. My mission is to be the best Mother I can be so she can look back with a smile and say Mummy you always put me first!
I refuse to let school or life make my little girl ill like my Mother or Sister. When their is a problem you have to solve it! And most importantly listen to your children because they have a right to be happy! You get great teachers that let your child shine and give them the confidence to sing out to a huge audience. And then you get teachers that are stressed out because of the pressures put on them by the Councils/Government. Anything is possible in our world, we just have to work together as team to do the best for our children! With some Google luck the Government and Councils will do all they can to help Struggling Mothers/Families and more importantly children to get the best out of life by making it easier for mothers to earn from home using the Internet and do what is right for their child.
Contact: Sharon J. Bainbridge English Flower alien Mother with a dream so big, I may have to find another planet!
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story
Why I hate Boot Fairs. You get up at stupid O'clock and have to pay £5 petrol and £5 to park the car in a car park owned by the Council. Hmm I am not best of friends with them either! Then loads of people come round the car with torches like scavengers, dealers looking to buy stuff off you and then flog it for more on their stool or in their shop! You get some silly women bartering you down from £3.50 for a pram to £0.75 and even then she is wheeling it up and down the car park saying it has a dodgy wheel just to get it for free. Then you have people trying to buy things for 20p. Seriously do they think we are doing this as a hobby, just for a laugh? People throw stuff out so they can pay some damn bills. You start thinking just take the stuff and why the hell did I bother! I HATE BOOT FAIRS!
But what is the alternative? Ebay? Read my other blog about why I hate Ebay. But again what is my alternative as a Mother? The free local paper, too much hassle and having to re list all the time? Things need to get easier for us Mothers as we deserve some support and respect for bringing life into this world!
I am currently fighting verbally for a CRB website for all struggling Mothers around the world and children to have a special website shop with download service, keep gremlins out. A place to sell things old and new with no fees. Somewhere we can help one another to support our children all over the world. A download service to create art and craft templates, original song, audio story and E books and much, much more. Imagine our children creating videos in a safe environment to showcase their talent and build a fan base. Even a children's top of the pops as we need it with the trash that is around at the moment! Advertising from big companies would pay for this website and guess what the Internet owe my little girl for all the years of suffering they have caused by not being child or family friendly! Does the Government care that some children suffer from anxiety because of the pressures of life at school and financial problems at home? It has to stop right now!
Global Women's rights is that all men respect and honour us as Mothers and women who want to support our children from home!
Just listen to how some bullying men treat Mothers like me! Most are too scared to speak out!
Contact: Sharon J. Bainbridge English Flower alien Mother with a dream so big, I may have to find another planet!
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story
Blog, blog, bloggedy blog song. Has anyone created a Blog song? Well this is the start of mine:
Problem is I cannot sing. But hey my daughter can and so can my partner. Hmm maybe this should be my Sunday project?
Found this blog song on You Tube. Ha ha it made me giggle! Only listened to a little bit, but thought he was worth a mention for entertainment value! The voice, well he needs to work on that a little like I do with mine, as I can't sing either. But good work anyway as you made me smile!
My little girl has a sweet little voice, shall I write some blog lyrics and get her to record it?
Or should I get my partner to record the blog song? Here he is jamming with his friend "Gotta get through this!"
And this is a song we wrote together called Valentine. He is brilliant at creating original music and melody's. Still cannot get over he is working in some stupid sales job that does not pay properly. And he is on TV next May promoting this damn job. If I had my way I would tell them exactly what I think of their poor wages! He should have sang on the door, instead of talking!
Share your Blogging songs and send me a link in the comments. Happy blogging everyone!
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story