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Saturday, 14 July 2012

Sea view holiday lets UK

My friend has had to sell her beautiful home, which she ended up renting out as a holiday cottage in Mumbles, Swansea, Wales, UK. The owner is keeping it as a holiday cottage by the sea and taken on all her clients. This lady has struck gold here as it is the prefect place for anyone visiting the UK. I so wish I had the money to buy it as it would be perfect for us artists.

I am going to miss this place so much as it was like waking up to a piece of heaven. I never did get to rent it off her for the week, but I stayed with her on many occasion's when she lived there and rented it out. We will both be saying our last goodbyes when she comes up to Mumbles again to do the handover and say goodbye to her cottage by the sea. We will both be crying as it holds some very treasured memories of long walks along the costs and just looking out of her cottage onto the open seas is everybodys idea of paradise. What a shame wages in the UK and high costs of living make it so difficult for the average person to financially live. Life could be so much better if the rich could learn to share.

Goodbye bright red door and happy seaside with waves that stumble over sandy shores. The sailing ships that glide so gently into mothers hidden mist. Oh I breathe a tear of sadness and wonder will we meet again. 

Free Olympic Flags and Masks to play your very own Olympic Games at home

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge through Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Olympic Blogger 2012

How many blogs do you create in one day? Do you add unique video footage and images too? Please leave a comment below with a link to your blog and lets see if we can find an Olympic Blogger. I am addicted to my Google Blog. It is one serious addiction. A girl can dream of one day having a better life for her child and this is hopefully our one way ticket to sunshine and happiness. Not just for me but for all struggling mothers and children worldwide. I have a vision I want to make into reality and with a little teamwork anything is possible. It is about sharing and caring, something that is seriously missing in the UK and worldwide.

Looks like I have found one Olympic Blogger, are you one? Comment below!


We have just come up with yet another Olympic Game to play at home. So stay tuned!

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge through Google+

Well back to the boring cooking, hum drum!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Olympic Bunny Rabbit

Our Bunny Rabbit Cindy Woo is an Olympic racer. We allowed her to run free for a while in our garden. Suddenly we noticed she was disappearing and was over in next doors garden. Neighbours did not mind at all. But the problem is Cindy Woo is a bit like my partner, she has selective hearing. When I called her to come back over she would turn her back and mumble in rabbit language "Just try and catch me!" Over the fence my little girl would go and it was a bit like watching a Benny Hill show. I know I am showing my age now. Lets listen to the music and imagine our little black rabbit running as fast as she can to escape coming back inside and not getting caught. 

Silly, silly Cindy Woo. If she had only stayed in our garden, she would still be allowed out. Now we have one depressed Olympic Bunny rabbit on our hands. So if anyone has a huge rabbit run please do get in contact. We live in the Swansea area UK. Lets take a look at Cindy Woo our pet Bunny rabbit enjoying the rain before we had to lock her back up in the house. It was bucketing it down and we found it so strange that she seemed to love the rain even though before she hated water when my little girl tried to take her for a wee paddle in her pool a few years ago.

Here is Little Snowflake with Cindy Woo and her telling our pet Bunny Rabbit "Don't eat my Toothless."

I did try and make Cindy Woo a rabbit lead when we first got her but she is a little escape artist.

I made a Cindy Woo Bunny Rabbit toy by transforming a Zhu Zhu pet into a rabbit, I just added big ears.

Cindy Woo is our Black Easter Bunny. And she is sitting under the old apple tree like my story Sunset Bunny the Easter Fairy.

Lets leave with Cindy Woo the Snow bunny. There is something extra cute about seeing a baby bunny rabbit in the snow, especially one with a red Christmas lead.



Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge through Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Olympic Family Tree 2012

Do you have an Olympic or Paralympic family tree? Have you ever traced your family tree? If so did you find out that you are related to a famous sports person who is competing for this years London Olympics (Paralympics) or competed in the past? It is amazing who and what you can find just by searching Google on the Internet. I left a message on You Tube in the search of old photographs of my Nan's Mother and Father etc and my Mum's cousin found my video and contacted me. She kindly copied old photographs and now our family have the missing photographs from our Nan's past. Poor Nan was jinxed, her story was similar to the Little Princess but far worse as they lost both their parents and suffered from racism because of the colour of their skin. French Grandmother blamed their dead Burmese Mother for not having white skin like her other grandchildren and they were put in care. And it is as if the powers that be want to keep their misfortune hidden as I am unable to trace my Great Grandfathers birth certificate. Well at least I have Google and thanks to them I have found a Paralympic Star who is related to our Great Grandfather. We are so proud and my little girl and I so wish we could see her race live. If we can get hold of a signed autograph that would be something!

Lets go back to our Burmese History and ask the question what happened to my Great Nan and why is their no record of her birth or death? Because she suffered from racial discrimination I cannot help but think there is more to this story that meets the eye!

Nan always thought she was related to the LeFevres that owned the Drapers in Canterbury, Kent. Her Nan's maiden name was LeFevre. I wonder what sort of pressures they had back then to fit in and how having family with different coloured skin effected them. Maybe that is why they put them in a home? I would love to find out as it is one of those heartbreaking true stories that you just need to solve.

I remember watching the Little Princess with my Nan, back then I had no idea what an awful childhood she had until Mrs Richardson came along and saved them. Imagine watching this sad little film and knowing that your Nan cried for her mother at four years old and was made to eat and sleep in a shed with her brothers because of the colour of her skin by the Orphanage. Treated like slaves! No father or mother to rescue them. So if anyone has any information relating to my Olympic Family Tree please do get in contact so I can put this little baby to rest.

Tell me what you think of my Family Tree Postcards. You stick the photo to them and add the information about each family member on the back of the postcard then put it in your photo album.


Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Friday, 13 July 2012


I wonder if they are creating a Olympic Mobile phone. Is this it?

Do you remember the old mobile phone. My ex had one and it was like a brick. Not the sort of thing you could put in your pocket. This was back in the 90's. My how things have changed. Lets see if I can find a video of the first ever mobile phone.

What is your favourite mobile phone? I don't use one as I am trying to keep costs down. Maybe one day I will have the luxury of using one. I do have my partners old mobile, the screen is broken and it does not see to work properly. Takes good photos though when I remember to charge the battery. Do you use your mobile phone as a birthday reminder? It is amazing what they can do now. Does this one really shoot video footage?

So the question is what is the best and most reasonable mobile phone in the world?

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Birthday reminder

Well I created a Birthday reminder calender below and I keep forgetting to look at it. I even saved the Birthday reminder images as a screen saver.

I miss my old Psion organiser. It used to remind me a few days before the birthday with a little message. This was the old Psion organiser before the Revo Organiser that kept breaking down.

I suppose people use their mobile phones now to remind them about birthdays? Seeing as I am trying to cut back on costs I do not use a mobile so have no choice but to revert to the old fashioned way of looking at the Calender, even when I do forget.

Leave a comment below if you have any interesting birthday reminder tips.

If you go to my blog you can find free Olympic Flags and Masks to play your own Olympics from home.

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Teachers T-shirt present

I asked my little girl, Little Snowflake, what do you want to buy your teacher for his present before you break up from school. She replied I want to buy him a T-shirt and I want to design it myself. Well I think it will be quite something going on the one she made for Mummy a while ago. With the above T-Shirt I just used T-shirt transfer and a special sealant so it does not come off so easily in the wash. My own idea re sealant. You still need to hand wash the T-shirt to make the transfer last longer. I wonder if she will use her own characters like the Fresh Packs below? I made these out of plastic based on her very sweet designs:

Here is Little Snowflakes Maths Rap about how much she hates Maths. She adores her teacher and loves her school, but hates Maths. Who can blame her, I hated Maths too! Boring!!!

Well hopefully I will be back to show you the finished T-Shirt design for her special and kind teacher, who she is so going to miss because he makes her laugh. Now a teacher that can make kids laugh is very special indeed because if they like their teacher they are more likely to want to go to school.

If you search the net you can find some bargain printing on T-shirts. I think I will get Little Snowflakes Teachers T-Shirt printed professionally.


Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge through Google +

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Monster High Doll Olympics

If you scroll down you will see a lot of Olympic costumes and masks that I have made for the Monster High dolls. But first I am very pleased to share that I have just had a message from London Mum Magazine to tell me that I have had the most hits on my blog for Lagoona Blue, one of the Monster High Dolls. Very excitedly she said well done! Monica has mentioned that I am one of the most creative Mum's on her blog and loved the Olympic dolls costumes I sent her for her Barbie and Bratz dolls. A while ago I started making dolls costumes to fit Monster High dolls and started selling them on Ebay. Problem is the fees for selling, cost of making and time involved does not make the whole process worth doing, unless you get people that collect unusual dolls costumes and don't mind paying decent money for your items.

Here is a video of me talking about Lagoona Blue and the costume I made for her. I got the fish idea from the doll herself as she is a fishy sort of a doll.

This is me as Lagoona Blue back in the 80's. If my daughter dressed in a bin bag to go out for the night when she turns 18 I would have a fit, as I do not want her making Mummy's mistakes. But we can both laugh at how silly I looked and thankfully she has her head screwed on so will not follow in Mummy's footsteps.

If you have come across this page maybe you could leave me some comments on my other dolls costumes for Monster High. This is Draculaura another Monster High Doll  in a costume I designed. I like the dolls costumes to be arty, wacky but classy! I really do not like dolls clothes that lack respect as it is not teaching our little girls good morals and how to dress later in life. I mean very short skirts etc.

When you are young you do some funny things. I must have been the original Monster High Doll back in the 80's. Take a look at my Monster High Dress and yes I did wear too much make-up. Something I have taught my little girl never to do. And I guess I am an old fashioned Mum now as I encourage my daughter not to wear make-up or nail varnish as childhood is so short you just need to be a kid!

I think every Draculaura should have a happy ending so lets pretend that she is under a horrific spell that has made her into a bat like the one in my story book Butterfly Lullaby.

My daughters friend had a Monster High doll so I made her this costume for Cleo. Sold a pair of these Eagle Wings to an art gallery in Ireland.

I made these masks for Monster High dolls for Easter. What do you think. Sold one to a lady in the USA.

I hand painted this British Mask and made the dress and butterfly flag bag:

I sent this little Olympic outfit to Monica from London Mum's Magazine. I hand painting the whole top. And of course designed the mask myself too. She is of course from Italy.

Here is the Welsh Olympic costume which has the same colours as the Italian flag:

Monster High Sport costume I designed for Madison who is related to my Great Grandad. Good luck Madi at the Paralympics, wish we could see you race live. My little girl would so love to meet you and have an autograph from you as we are all so proud to have you in our family tree. Little Snowflake is Olympic mad.

Now lets stick some Olympic masks on those dolls for the British Olympic and Paralympic games!

Here is the blog I wrote on London Mum's Blog

Ok Mum's I have an Olympic challenge for you. I think Mothers should have a Struggling Mothers website so we can sell new and old things with no fees. The advertising could pay for the IT running of this site. It would be a place where our little kids could shine in safety. If you are with me on this one get in contact!
And don't forget you can leave comments below!

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+


SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Photo book friends birthday

Well it is my friend's birthday tomorrow. And I think I know exactly what she would like. I am going to go to her Facebook page and send off her photographs to create an album for her. She lost all her photographs when they had a house fire a few years back. Imagine the heartache of loosing your home and all your memories, especially if you had lost so many family through illness. Thankfully all four children and husband survived. So lets see if I can make this birthday a special one for her and give back some happy memories by creating a Photo book!

Question is what is the cheapest way to do this? Lets look at some options. My Aunts daughter made a beautiful small photo book of pictures of my little girl a few years ago and I think they cost around £4.99 + postage. It's called a Mini book. You can even create a 3x2 mini book for £2.99. Wow that is value.

I really feel for my friend as she suffers with the same illness her mother had who ended up dying from this crippling disease. She has not been claiming disability, but she should as she is in agony with her joints. Would be nice to think that one day there will be proper support for her and the family so she no longer has to sleep on the sofa and her husband on the other one because the wages are so damn low in the UK. He works hard so they should be able to afford a decent house big enough to live in. There is certainly something wrong with this world when there are people with too much money and then those hard working people who cannot even get by.

I need to get back to my scrapbook postcards and finish my family tree album especially now we have a Paralympic star thanks to my Google search!


Contact me Sharon J. Bainbridge if you feel our children deserve a better and happy life:

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Cheap black bags 50p

Today I had a lady from the recycling team knock my door and I found out something very interesting. Did you know that you can buy cheap black bags for just 50p. Huge saving! And they are better quality. Where do you buy these black bags from well the same place you get your Library books. Fab ah.

I don't know about you, but I recycle as much as possible. This lady told me that the landfill sites will be full in just 7 years time from now. We have to recycle for our children's future, as they are so important!

Contact Sharon  J. Bainbridge if you want a kinder and happier world for your children. Have you noticed  family values have gone down the pan. We cannot even video our children singing at the Grand Theatre any more thanks to our selfish society that puts their own needs before our kids. I am on Google+ below:

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Girls cartoon bag

10% of girls cartoon bag if you buy direct through Peppermintbags.

The power of child advertising. One little girl goes to school with a girls cartoon bag and before she knows it everyone little girl in her class wants one. She wanted to be original and be the only one with the bag, but the characters on the bag have made it so popular that girls want this bag so they can draw the characters and make up their own little stories and characters like Little Snowflake, my little girl. What makes Little Snowflake different is her imagination and the way she has turned the ghost character on the bag into a ghost balloon character that kids are going wild for. She is trying to sell them for £1 each and wants to give some money to Jodie's charity Cystic Fibrosis because she loves and cares about her cousin!

In the video above you will here my little girl talking about her new girls cartoon bag and the magazine she has made up.

She has called her balloon cartoon characters Sweeties and this is her Sweetie song she made up with one of the cartoon characters from the bag. She used her friends Magic Pens that draw stripes and shapes. Cool!

Where can you buy this girl cartoon bag from?
What is it called? Funfair rucksack

Little Snowflake has made a few magazines up based on the girls cartoon bag characters and here they are:

Mummy is on an Olympic Mission to try and change British Culture to be more caring and to put our children at the top of the society tree. Currently our children are not allowed to shine or look back on important events thanks to some selfish adults. My Little girl sang at the Grand Theatre in front of 700 people but we were not allowed to video this footage thanks to the way our world is. This is wrong. Children need a safe place to shine on the Internet and Struggling Mothers need help and support to earn a living with no fees. We also need to work on old history that sadly still effects too many people thanks to old Monarchs and Governments. They said we could not video our kids, but not that we could not audio it!

Why do we need to change the way Britain is? Because currently there are far too many single Mothers struggling with no help or support. There are far too many fatherless children. And children should not be having children. The media and Internet need to take responsibility for breaking up families and for promoting things that are not family or child friendly!

I am giving away free Olympic Flags and Mask Templates for a special children's Olympic games idea that you can play at home. Show some compassion and in return help me to make our children's life better for fighting verbally for change and add me as a friend on Google+. My name is Sharon J. Bainbridge and I hope that my little girl will look back with pride to say that the Olympic Year was one she will remember for the rest of her days because it made a difference to children's lives!

Free Olympic Flags and Mask to play the fun Olympic / Paralympic game from home!

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge if you care about our children's future and want to help them have a happy one.

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Wenlock and Mandeville paintings

Here is my little girl, Little Snowflake talking about our Wenlock and Mandeville Paintings.

Join Olympic Team Mummy to change thing for our children. We live in a world where they no longer are put first. They should always be at the top of our society tree and made to feel important. Help me change our world to a kinder one that helps struggling mothers and children have a better life. Bring back family values so children can grow up with both parents and I mean a real Mum and Dad the way it should be!

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Sweetie cartoon song

My little girl has come up with another original idea. The Sweeties. Although the characters are based on a popular girls cartoon bag she has come up with another genius idea for kids. Her characters are balloon based. But for now here is the sweetie song. Original lyrics by Little Snowflake and of course she is singing the song too.

(P.S. I have no control over the adverts. I would hope that they were all children friendly, but sadly the Internet is sick in the head.)

Little Snowflake is currently writing two children's magazines. And has a Sweetie news page. How cute ah. And she already has interest at school for the balloon sweetie characters and magazine. Imagine what she could do if she had sponsorship.

Have fun playing the Toy Olympic games with the Trash Pack idea my little girl and I came up with!

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge through Google+. I am a Mummy on an Olympic mission to help Struggling mothers and children have a better life using the Internet with no fees. All you have to do is believe!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story


Little Snowflake and I created a unique Olympic Game using the Trash Pack characters and there bins. Now I was going to sell the flags and trash pack mask, but instead I will give the images away for you to print off, but ask one thing and that is that we make this Olympic Year one to be very proud of and that everyone starts to show support for struggling mothers and children. Help put a stop to racism worldwide and convince the Government, Internet and Lottery funding to give Struggling Mothers a Worldwide Website where we can sell old and new things with no fees. A place where our children can shine safely. And the people that can afford advertising can advertise if it is child friendly to pay for the IT! Not all children with talent can go to stage school because of high costs and parents suffering on low wages. Currently we are not allowed to video our children performing at the Grand Theatre thanks to all the things that are not child friendly on the Internet. I ask why should our children suffer, it is time to fight back verbally!

Show you care and add me as a friend on Google+ Sharon J. Bainbridge



Just click on the image below with the right hand side of the mouse and save as onto your computer. If you need another Country message me through Google+ my details are at the bottom of this blog.


Just click on the image with the right hand side of the mouse and save as onto your computer. Cut it out colour it in. You can stick it to card or laminate it. Then add sewing elastic to keep it on.

If you want to make the other mask for parties, which looks more professional here is the video. Note this one is not the Health and Safety Trash Pack mask for the Olympic game.


People from England get some serious stick thanks to old Governments and Monarchs. The problem is we as individuals are not to blame. We had nothing to do with what happened years ago. Like the German people had nothing to do with Hitler. It is time to put this all behind us and make our world a happy and better place where we can all live together in harmony and teach our children true morals and family values.


There are plenty of lovely Welsh People who enjoy speaking English and have nothing against the English people, but like everywhere in the world you always get some that dislike us thanks to old history. The problem is these people make it difficult for children and this is unfair! When children boo our kids we ask the question where do they get it from. You only have to go to a Football or Ruby match to find out!

This lovely Welsh man put this video on to show his shame on Welsh people booing our English team. Thank you! It means a lot that someone has the guts to show that we do have a problem here in Wales and it stops English people progressing.

It is time for adults to stop being selfish and to put all our children first and stop teaching them to bully!

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge if you believe our children deserve a better and happier life through Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Old Cine Film Hastings

My Grandfather was a hard working man. He had his own building firm and Nan was the only person on their street to have a Cine Film and they had the first ever black and white TV. Can you imagine back then the sure luxury of being able to video your family and look back on old memories.

Well here is some old video footage of Hastings, East Sussex, UK in the early 1970's.

In the Old Cine Film you will see the old slide along the Hastings Seafront. The old boating lake. And my favourite the old outdoor swimming pool. How my sister and I loved going to that pool we would spend the whole day their if we could with the family. What a shame it closed down. Things were so different back then I had the childhood that my little girl could only dream of. The freedom to explore and go down to the beach on my own with friends and to the park too. Back then I used to walk and hour to and from school from the age of 5 years old because my poor Mother suffered badly from an illness that no one understands. How I wish I could go home to England and be with my Mum, Sister, Brother, Nan and family. Even though I feel sad about the lack of family values in Britain I got very home sick when I lived in New Zealand and feel I do not belong here in Wales. I did love New Zealand as everyone made me feel so welcome the culture out their is very outdoor and everyone is happy. Maybe one day our luck will change and we can go back home to Hastings.

I am the little girl with the sailor swimsuit on with the attached skirt. So sweet. If only companies made children's clothing today in the same manor instead of making our little girls grow up too quickly.
Mum made me a beautiful turquoise velvet dress, which I wore to the Zoo. 

Contact me Sharon J. Bainbridge through Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Girls cartoon bag

All the girls at school are going mad for the new girls cartoon bag by Prosportsac. After hours of making my little girl her very own cartoon bag with her designs, she has decided that she wants the real cartoon bag.

Here we have the handmade cartoon bag and pencil case I made for my little girl using her own designs. The bottles are from the above cartoon bags. But the little girl character etc is her own design. And I think it is so cute and original. So why would she want a bag like everyone else? Because she loves to draw and finds copying the characters fun! She does have her own cartoon characters too which are brilliant.

Her little cartoon pencil case:

Little snowflake is busy writing her Sweetie Magazine based on the cartoon bag characters. Her friend has said can I please have a copy. To print these magazine would cost a fortune so I wonder if I can sell them as some sort of download? It is times like this I wish our Government was more forthcoming with helping struggling Mothers earn a living from home. I have great ideas for a website for Struggling Mothers giving us the opportunity to sell old and new things and a place where our children can shine in a safe family environment. Big companies should be paying for advertising and we should be getting support to give our kids a better future.

Take a look at the cartoon characters she designed based on vegetable and fruit pirates. I made them into plastic characters from her designs.

Here is my little girls artwork and her singing Heal the World:

It makes me so cross that the UK is so full of selfish adults putting their own needs before our children resulting in our kids not being able to look back on old video footage of them at the Grand Theatre singing thanks to sick people and those that want certain things on the Internet that are not child friendly!

When are British Mothers going to say enough is enough?

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+. If you are fed up too get in contact!

P.S. I do not have any control over the advertising so if there is a cheap and nasty Jane below offering some sort of date ignore it!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Pork crackling recipe

How do you make your pork crispy so it has crackling? Best thing to use is Goose fat as the fat is so hot it makes your Pork Crackling crackle. Of course you need to put the fat in the oven to heat up so it is nice and hot first then coat your pork with the fat.

Just listen to my partner saying wow best gravy in the world and hmmmmm pork crackling! It is such a nice feeling when you get it right as I hate cooking and have found getting the pork crackling to crackle very hard.

I don't like Pork as Mum used to cook it all the time. But my partner loves Pork crackling with a Sunday roast.

Now here is the recipe for Mummy's special British Gravy:

See blog for Gravy details:

My Nan taught me how to make gravy. She did make it totally from scratch with the juice from the meat but I prefer to use Bisto as it is quicker and tastes just as good. Should have hid the fact that I used this gravy powder as all companies as far as I can see don't deserve free publicity!

Well that's all folk's just got a letter from one of the Greedy banks, if only I could poor gravy over their evil little greedy heads! Cold gravy of course! The satisfaction of making them suffer in shame!

Contact me Sharon J. Bainbridge through Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

British Olympic Gravy Recipe

For the Olympics you need lots of vegetables so Mummy's British Gravy Recipe is a must.


Add gravy powder in a blender ( I use the original Bisto)
Then add 3 dessert spoons of steamed peas
And 3 dessert spoons of steamed carrots
1 roasted potato
1 roasted sweet potato
Add steamed vegetable water

My partner is not a vegetable fan so this is one way I get him to eat vegetables and the gravy just tastes so yummy. Little Snowflake, my little girl adores my gravy and always asks Mummy, can I have some more gravy please!

Here is Little Snowflakes Olympic Picture of Wenlock

And this is my Paralympic picture of Mandeville:

This Mummy has her very own Olympic Challenge and that is to see how many women I can get to join me to try and help change the UK. Bring back good old fashioned family values where all men and women take children and family seriously. Putting kids first! Britain has become quite a selfish Country putting money and adult happiness before our children and this needs to stop. Our children expect more from us. Of course there are good parents, but we need to wake up and see just how many fatherless children there are in the UK. Too many struggling mothers and it is not good. My Mother was one of them and thankfully she met my Step Dad who is a gem. There are good men in the UK too.

So women around the world join me and make some of Mummy's British Gravy and lets make our world a better one together as a team.

And lets give our children their home back. Gay rights should never take over family values! Now go and make some British Gravy and let me know how much your children love it!

P.S. I got the idea for the gravy from my Nan. She did not use Bisto Gravy but made it from scratch which you can do as well.

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge and lets make life better for our children together!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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