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Saturday 8 September 2012

Does blogging make you happy?

Does blogging make you happy? Don't be shy leave me a comment at the bottom of this blog and attach a link to your blog. Tell me how blogging makes you so happy. Please keep it clean as this is a family blog! I was asked by a reader if I get a lot of spam, the answer is yes. But thankfully I can delete it.

Blogging to me gives me hope for a brighter tomorrow, especially for my little girl and family. If I can reach my audience through Google and touch their hearts then we can all make a difference for all our children. I am a struggling Mum (Mom) who had a dream of being a better person. Sharing is caring. That is why when I created my Butterfly Lullaby book I gave £1 per book to Cystic Fibrosis. You may think that is not a lot. But the costs of producing a book and printing is very high. And sadly whatever could go wrong in our lives did. Many of the books have been destroyed etc. Now our house affects my little girls and my health due to lack of money and support. But it is not all doom and gloom because it has taken me on a different path. One that I know I must fight tooth and nail for to make a difference in all our little girls lives so that they can grow up and be the person they are without the mask. One day I will tell my story and one fine day our world will change as I am the Paralympic dyslexic blogger who refuses to give up on a world that could be so much kinder and farer! Google has opened the door to give the underdog like me a voice. If you have a voice use it and blog away!


My little girl and I love making arts and crafts videos together. When the Google check for the adverts on my blog and videos arrived, I cried! Tears full of happiness. At last 5 years of hell on the Internet has paid off. All the letter writing asking for support and now I have a special code to get on my blog and I'm protected. 


Originally I was going to give all the money from the adverts to Jodie for Cystic Fibrosis. But we are in a financial mess and my little girls health is important too. She suffers from asthma and the house is making us both ill. I have had to take out a 14% loan which is very high for the salary my partner and I are on. £10,000 to pay off credit cards from when he has been out of work. And just £5,000 to fix the house. My little girl wants me to get a Green Screen for the You Tube Videos. With that we need lighting and a special programme to create the videos. So we will put the cheque away and save up.


Do you know how hard it is to get into the papers these days. They don't care about little plebs that have bad things happen to them. All they care about is the big £1 signs. Thankfully google gives the underdogs a chance to shine and speak out. So we have a lot to thank them for!


My aim is to keep blogging and earning from my blog and then put on a Butterfly Lullaby show with my original fairy story. A Butterfly Lullaby musical.

My book launch was great, but if I had the money it would have been amazing! I would have had the actors acting out the scene in the story. The Butterfly King sitting high up in the tree sobbing his heart out because the Butterfly Princess had flown away from home and singing our original Butterfly Lullaby song.

Why is it flowers always make women happy? I love flowers. One day I will have flowers in our lounge like I used to. All I have to do is blog away! Connect with me on Google+ Sharon J. Bainbridge
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Sylvanian families flower tutu

How to make a Sylvanian families flower tutu. Gorgeous shiny fabric and I even made the little hair bobble too. I have been thinking about my Mind Map and looked at my blog. Most of my hits are from America (thanks guys for your support.) There is also a very special lady that has an amazing doll blog that often comments, big thank you for taking time to leave a message from time to time. It is amazing how comments from readers can really brighten your day! I must add her blog to one of my write ups. It looks like the blogs with the biggest hits are my arts and craft blogs. Wow! So that tells me I must be doing something right.

One of my favourite flowers is the Lavatera. Don't you think the flower tutu looks like this pretty little flower?

Ok wish me luck, part of my Mind Map I am trying to clear the house of 5 years of old toys, clothes etc. I am going to see if I can sell little kits made up from scraps of material like the above Flower Tutu. The leotard is drying in the kitchen as I have partly hand painted it. Will have to remember to upload the finished picture to see what readers think of the Lavatera flower tutu with a touch of gold!

Sharon J.Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Friday 7 September 2012

Flower alien are you one?

Flower alien are you one? Would love to see your flower alien creations, leave a comment, send us a link on You Tube under Butterfly Lullaby Ltd
Here is my little girls original flower alien design which has had many hits on You Tube. How to draw a flower alien by Little Snowflake:

So what are you waiting for go outside into the garden and see what sort of flowers you can find and start creating and sharing your flower alien ideas. Did you know the Flower aliens came to earth to steel our bumblebees and take them back to their own planet. Oh yes that is what I am talking about! Sharon J. Bainbridge English Flower alien Mother with a dream so big, I may have to find another planet! SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Do little girls like frogs?

Do little girls still like frogs? In the above video Little Snowflake is trying to catch a frog. Not because she wants to be a Princess and find a Prince, but because these little frog creatures are fun and make childhood exciting. Our garden is just one amazing magical nature adventure. So throw away your crown Little Princess, take off that war paint and be a real little girl and create some mud pies in the back garden. Use your imagination and adventure out of the box.

I am so glad my little girl, Little Snowflake is not like all the other little girls and refuses to follow the Western Culture of pretending she is older than she really is! Is their one little girl that does not wear make-up, nail varnish and high heels in the UK? Please do leave a comment if you like me believe a little girl needs to enjoy being a child as being a grown up and doing the dishes, getting your heart broken is very hum drum! Of course being a Mum is great if you have lived and can put your child first.

Here are Little Snowflakes adventures in our back garden with all our little frog friends.

And here is Little Snowflake saying exactly what she thinks of silly make-up on children and Mummy:

I find it so sad that I wasted my whole youth trying to be pretty. Looking for that Prince, when all along I just needed to be myself. But hey I have found happiness now and my little girl makes it all worthwhile. And at least I can teach her where Mummy went terribly wrong! How fake do I look here? No wonder I could not find Mr Right. But hey I am glad I didn't because I lived and became a Mum at the right time in my life. No way would I have coped with being a Mum in my 20's I was far too selfish! Motherhood at the right age helps you to grow and be a better person!

Now back to the Mind Map as Little Snowflake misses Grandma and Grandad so we must move!
Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Problem with women today

The problem with women today, a man's view on things. This is my response to this man's blog about women. And at the end I will ask you to check out his website and see all the pictures he has added and ask yourself do you want your little girl to grow up acting and dressing like some complete wreck? He is calling these girls names you would not want your little girl to be called. So Mothers wake up and stop sticking nail varnish and make-up on your little girls and allow them to be natural as they are beautiful just the way they are. If they are to grow up feeling confident they must be happy in their own skin and act and dress for respect. Otherwise they are going to end up down Wine Street with a reputation as bad as this man's blog! And another poor child will be brought into the world going down the same awful path with an absent father!

I am so proud of my little girl for telling her friends that she does not want to be like them. She refuses to follow them like some sort sheep because everyone else is acting older and putting on silly make-up and nail varnish + wearing heels. My little girl is her own person and says no to make-up, nail varnish and heels! Hopefully she will have a chance of meeting the right person when she is older as she is confident in her own natural beauty.

That's right little girls throw those silly heals away, otherwise you will end up being treated as badly as you dress!

Now I want you to read this man's thoughts on today's women. Women's rights gone horribly wrong! Western Women today are making fools out of all of us and it needs to stop! Is it any wonder men do not take us seriously!

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ A mother that knows where I went through and how I want to make sure my little girl never ever follows in my footsteps!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Thursday 6 September 2012

Has Google given you a voice?


I want to know if Google has given you a voice, when no one was listening to you or even cared? If you have a true story please leave me a comment below at the end of this blog. My blog has opened up my world to the word called "HOPE!" Hope for a better and brighter future for my little girl. And a voice to tell my story when the newspapers and people in power quite simply did not want to know!

Google what would we do without you? Last week I received my first Google check (cheque) from my adverts on my blog and videos. You hear people moaning that it is not very much. But what they should be saying is how do I better it because it is all down to me! I jumped up and flew around the room when I got my first Google check (cheque) last week. It was like getting an amazing reward. Acceptance for who I am. Google have not stopped me blogging because I am dyslexic. They do not treat me differently because I am a women and take no notice of what nationality, culture or beliefs I have. I am allowed to be an open book and write what makes me happy or sad. They have supported all my artwork and stories with the search engines because I try to be original without changing myself. And now it is time to try and help my friend to a better future by helping her create her own Google blog and videos so she can earn from home too. This is just the start of a brighter tomorrow for Struggling Mothers like me! It does not take over night you have to work hard to achieve anything in life and boy have I worked on my blog! Even the keyboard has worn out from all the typing!

So when I am told to go and do a cleaning job because that is all that is out their for me to fit around my little girl, well boy do I want to prove them wrong! And believe me I have nothing against cleaning for a living I have done it. But cleaning is not going to get me a better life for my child. I know I can achieve greater things if people would just look at what I have achieved instead of making up their mind that I am a failure because of all the bullies that have stopped me from moving forward!

Here is my little girl singing the Google song. So please leave a comment and tell me do you have a story to tell. Are you made to feel different because you do not follow the Western Culture. Whatever it is don't be shy. But keep it clean as this is a family show!

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Butterfly Lullaby song

How many Butterfly Lullaby songs are their now? To think little old dyslexic blogging me started the whole Butterfly Lullaby thing. That I own the Butterfly Lullaby trademark. Does this mean that all the Butterfly Lullaby people using my name should be paying me some money? Big companies with money seem to get away with complaining about people using their Trademark name and put a stop to it so why can't I! Oh that's right because I don't have the money to fight back. I am just a mere pleb!

Butterfly Lullaby song or should I say songs! To think this is my trademark name, my book, song/songs, and butterfly fairy photography, which has been put on hold. The journey has taken me on a totally different path, one that I hope will mould my little girls future to a better one! Lets take a look at the my original Butterfly Lullaby song. This is the original Butterfly Lullaby book launch at the Dylan Thomas Centre. I created nearly all the fairy costumes. If I could do the Butterfly Lullaby dance again I would have my partner Jakson Lee singing the song live and my daughter the Butterfly Lullaby princess dancing. It would be acted out like the scene in the story book where the King Butterfly is sobbing his heart out because the Butterfly Princess had flown away from home in the above video. But of course the Andrew Lloyd Webber way! The Butterfly Lullaby Princess did dance at the Enchanted Manor in front of fairy artist Josephine Wall but the Gremlins destroyed my video footage with a crash and burn. Oh boy could I tell you some true stories!

The thing is Butterfly Lullaby is not just a song or a load of songs. There is something much more deeper and meaningful and one day I hope a publisher will take on my true Butterfly Lullaby story. But I would need a women who believes in herself and takes no rubbish from men to do it. Is their such a publisher? I somehow doubt it! After the original Butterfly Lullaby came Swing Outs Sisters Butterfly Lullaby song. Of course because they are famous my original Butterfly Lullaby had to take a back bench and then something awful happened. And this is why MP Claire Perry is trying to change the Internet to opt out of things that are not child friendly. To think I have been complaining for over 10 years with nothing getting done. So lets hope the Western Culture does not mess this one up.

Anderson Press brought out a Butterfly Lullaby book around 2009, which I managed to get them to change to another title, thanks to my Butterfly Lullaby TRADEMARK! I think this is the author. There can only be one Butterfly Lullaby and that is the original Trademark one! Especially when this Mummy is not rich and wealthy and could do with a bit of compassion so I can earn to support my little girl.

Now there is this Butterfly Lullaby song, along with many others. For me personally with all the struggles my little girl and I have had to go through I feel it would be just common curtsy to say in their videos that they are using my Butterfly Lullaby Trademark name and have asked permission! Even to put in their listing that they are using my name with a link to my website etc would be something, stating that I am the original Butterfly Lullaby. Instead of trying to overtake me in the search engines as if they are OOAK, when really they are just sheep followers! Sounds harsh well one day when you read my true story you will understand why I am fed up and fight back! Hearing my little girl cry because Mummy has not been able to earn enough money to sort out the problems with the house is no joke!

My friends son who is 16 years old read my Butterfly Lullaby book from start to end in one night. It is a big book so it took him a long time to read and made him late for school the next day. He said he could not put my Butterfly Lullaby book down. So whatever the grown ups say "Children know what they like to read!" And I feel really proud that a 16 year old boy really enjoyed my fairy story. Who knows one day Butterfly Lullaby will fly and end up on the Cinema as I had dreamt! And do you know what would be really kind? That would be if all Internet Providers, Councils and Governments apologising to me for the lack of support with getting justice for what some awful mean and greedy people have done to my little business. I am a mother and deserve respect for trying to support my child from home. I have been to hell and back, but I never give up or give in. Butterfly Lullaby is mine! All I can say is thank God for Google! Without them I would have no voice! And I am using God in a good way as he has taken me on a Journey I will never forget and will fight to change because of it!

Who knows if I manage to get the support with this animation course I may be able to create a short version of Butterfly Lullaby with the song/songs myself! After all what are wishing wells for if not to dream and make dreams come true!

My name is Sharon J. Bainbridge and I am on Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Nail Varnish Little Girl

Nail varnish little girl? How many little girls in Britain alone wear nail varnish and make-up at a very young age? Please leave a comment below!

I am so proud of my little girl for following Mummy's advice on being different to every other little girl in her school. There may be some little girls that don't wear nail varnish or make-up, but the majority do. And sadly like Mummy she is now becoming the black sheep because she is different and speaks her mind. If only Mothers and Fathers would look at the state of the world and how many fatherless children their are. And exactly how many unwanted children in care. Instead of sweeping this problem under the carpet as most British people do, we need to talk about things and change them for our little girls sake! If our little girls do the same things Mummy did she is guaranteed to end up unhappy!

Why do I not want my little girl to wear nail varnish and make-up

Quite simply because I do not want her to go through the hell I have been through with some men and how badly they have treated me. The only way to get men to respect us is to act and dress correctly and to refuse to accept them for who they are, some are real bullies and just love to be control freaks. How many women say "oh that is just men for you?" No that is the way we allow them to be! And I am sorry but the Beer fear song proves just how bad things are with young girls going out, getting drunk and then who suffers? The poor wee baby that is brought into this world because Mummy was off her face and Daddy does not want the responsibility because he is just a kid himself! I know what I am talking about because I was that unwanted baby. If my Dad had his way back then, I would have been flushed down the toilet! Thank goodness I left Motherhood until I reached 35 years old. I was not an old Mum, but merely a responsible one! Of course their are exceptions, but my advise to any young girl is to have fun, travel and just enjoy spending time with
your friends until you are ready to find that special person to settle down with. Don't let them use you! And stop pretending you are in control because we all know that all you really want is to be loved! So go about it the right way! And stay away from Beer Fear!

Lets take a listen to a song about an absent father

How many people do you know that have not had a father figure?

I loved being a kid and never wore make-up or nail varnish - mud pies were my thing

I never wore make-up or nail varnish as a child and loved being a kid, which is something I want my little girl to really treasure as well. Being grown up is hard and heartbreaking. Your Cinderella dreams are shattered with the reality that sadly there are only a handful of men that will love and respect us. And sadly this is all our doing by the way we dress and behave. But more importantly the way women accept men for who they are and not for who they could be if we stood our ground.

Boyfriend tells his mother I am not pretty

Imagine being 16 years old and your boyfriend telling you that he told his mother about you and he mentioned that "You are not pretty!" He made me feel so ugly that I put more and more make-up on my face until I ended up looking like a Monster High doll. First I looked like Lagoona Blue.

Then I looked like Draculaura from Monster High.

Then it got worse, I just looked plain ugly. Two hours of make-up in the morning and two in the evening. Forever topping it up as I just could not look pretty enough. If only I had looked at the photos of me when I was 16 and 17 years old. But hey you have to make these mistakes to grow. Problem is I do not want my little girl to go through all the pain I went through, never feeling good enough or pretty enough. She needs to know she is naturally beautiful just the way she is. And then when she is older and decides to wear make-up I hope she will never go to the extreme of hiding that pretty little face of hers as I am sure she will have more luck finding someone decent, looking natural than painted up like some doll.

This is me at 19/20 years old. Still feeling ugly and un-pretty. Lots of make-up on. But a bit calmer. Wanting so much just to be loved for who I am, but knowing just how difficult that would be.

I feel very sorry for my little girl because she is not following the sheep by wearing make-up and nail varnish. She will be a black sheep. But at least when she grows up she will be confident in her own skin. She will know who she is and not have to pretend to be someone different. After all natural beauty is far more appealing than a face full of make-up. I bet most decent men would tell you that!

P.S. When I look back at the 80's. I dated a guy that wore make-up and he looked far better without it! So it makes you wonder what goes through men's minds? 

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Mind Map Mother

Mind Map Mother, that's me. The Paralympic Dyslexic Blogger who refuses to accept life as it is. Always fighting for a better future for my child and family. Willing my way back to England, the place I was born and where I fit in. But there is a slight niggle. Is it a British thing to slam doors in ones face when people are trying to climb the ladder for a better way of living? Discriminating against them as a women, nationality or even their disability, maybe all three? I find Google a breath of fresh air, there is no discrimination just acceptance of who people are and they give us a chance to shine thanks to their free blog and You Tube site. And more importantly give Struggling Mothers like me the opportunity to try and earn money from home so I can be with my child. Google and American people seem so different, more open to change and I may be wrong but their is no upper class snobbery as such, like here in Britain. For me they seem more open minded and kind hearted. One thing I have learnt and that is everyone is different no matter what culture they come from, so maybe I have just been lucky to have been born at the right time.

Thank you Google so much for being their for my little girl and I. The first Google check (cheque) was like receiving some sort of award. I know after five years of sheer hell on the Internet that I am on the right road to a better life for my family now!

Here we go, I know I should be cleaning and tidying up the house so I can start Ebaying as part of my Mind Map to a better life. But heck it is just so damn boring and dull. So first I am going to create my mind map. And later comes the fun bit of actually designing the mind map and sticking it on my blog. Then I will compare it with others.
Step one to creating my mind map I need to type out all the things I need to do to achieve our goals.
  1. TIDY UP - Boring, boring ho hum drum!
  2. EBAY - old clothes and toys (add videos to Ebay to get more You Tube views)
  4. BLOGGING - Must not forget to keep blogging as this will bring in some money too.
  5. GOOGLE ENGAGE PROGRAMME (check out re earning more from blog and You Tube videos)
  8. ANIMATION COURSE- Contact and tell them I am dyslexic and need support 
  9. CRAY TALK - Must learn new programme for You Tube Videos with Little Snowflake
  15. WORK MEN 
Here is a mind map someone else has created. I will attach mine soon!

Well I best get started. I think selling this house will be easy as the garden sells itself. It is full of so much wildlife, which I have recorded on You Tube. And who would not want to buy a house from a Mother who can dream. Most children are not allowed out these days so our garden is perfect it is big enough to adventure and nature is just so magical. Imagine owning a house where the author created the story Sunset Bunny the Easter Fairy. A story created by love for a sick child and others with Cystic Fibrosis. And sitting under the old apple tree on the swing, which is from the story.

And this house is where Butterfly Lullaby was born. The book launch took place at the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea.
And Weymouth is of course in my Butterfly Lullaby fairy book. The Upwey Wishing well is a very magical place indeed. Imagine writing a story and including a place which is where the Olympics and Paralympic sailing is held. Was it a fluke or do I have a little angel hovering around me? Here is the wishing well in my story with Feathers the wishing well fairy:

Well I could write and blog all day and night. But this mind map has to be created and I need to take action and get my little girl back to where her Grandparents live. Hmm I can just smell that sea air and visualise us walking along the beach and going for a swim in the sea. Heaven! Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Thanks Google first check cheque for adverts

Thanks Google for the very first check (cheque) for the adverts on our You Tube videos and blogs. Little Snowflake and I are just over the moon. Five years of hell on the Internet and now the light is shinning through the tunnel of darkness. We cannot thank you enough! I would also like to thank all my readers and people that have supported us. And to those that had no belief in me and my ability to write because I am dyslexic. Bah humbug! I must be doing something right to get a payment from Google. We love you Google, it is thanks to you that Mummy's like me live in hope of earning a living from home so we can be with our children. My work has always been at the top of Google's search engines and that is why I know I am not totally worthless. Thank you Google for believing in me and Little Snowflake!

Now to make the boring dinner. But hey I can always blog tomorrow!

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Get Little Snowflake back to Weymouth


Help me get Little Snowflake back to Weymouth, please! All I am asking is for any readers to forward my blogs and videos onto your friends and family if they are of any interest. I blog for my little girl as she loves art and singing (www.littlesnowflakeart.blogspot.) She is a wonderful role model for little girls of today because she has her own mind and does not follow others like a sheep, it's good to be different and speak your mind! But more importantly she does not wear make-up, nail varnish or heels. She is what every little girl should be and that is a child having fun and playing with her toys. I have brought her up to know that bullying is wrong and if someone needs help we must try to be their for them.

What makes a bully? 

When she talks to me about how she gets bullied and picked on for being smaller in height than all the other children her age and even those younger than her, it upsets her! And I ask myself why do her friends not stand up for her as she stands up for them? She then tells me how she finds schools so difficult, she hates maths and finds reading hard. Last night we hardly slept a wink knowing today was the first day back to school after the summer holidays and seeing her cry and get so worked up makes me want to work and blog harder than before to get us back to the place she was made. Weymouth by the sea! Yes I met her Dad in Weymouth when he was singing at the holiday park, and eventually moved down from London. Weymouth is the place Little Snowflake was born and the place she wants to call home.

Mind Map to Weymouth

So lets see how am I going to Mind Map our way back to Weymouth? First I need to get rid of all the old toys and clothes. Get the house sorted out so no one has to go through the hell we have been through. But boy are we going to miss our magical Butterfly Lullaby garden. It is something else. And reminds me of when I was a child growing up in Hastings. Private with all the big huge trees on one side and on the other a big tall fence which is kept in tip top condition by our lovely neighbour.  The big willow like apple tree with the wooden swing and fairy door adds that touch of mystery.

Meet some of our garden friends

We have many frogs in our garden because we always leave the old paddling pool out. Just take a look at this one floating on his apple boat!

Here are some of the other wildlife we get to see. We just adore butterflies! There are more butterflies flying into our garden these days because I do not use any slug pellets and have planted many butterfly plants.

Gorgeous little blue and yellow bird in our garden. I always switch to a London accent when I talk to my Step Dad. The little birds nest in the hedge and eat the blackberries. They hop down the dead branch in my big blue pot to drink the natural soiled water. It is just adorable to watch. Little Snowflake even picked up a little baby magpie in our garden last year. You should have seen her face light up.

Here is the second part of the garden which could have a swimming pool built in. If we were rich we would have got it done. But we do miss our family up here and just want to go home. If we move back to Weymouth I will be closer to my Mum and family in Hastings. And Little Snowflake would get to know her Nan who she hardly ever sees.

I could show you so many videos of wonderful creatures in our back garden and the adventures we have. The Squirrel and Little Snowflake feeding him with hazel nuts was a real highlight. Especially when he got the packet stuck to his head. Check out our journey on You Tube:

Last Term
Little Snowflake really enjoyed her old teachers class the older she gets the more stressed out she becomes as the school work gets harder, so having a chilled out teacher made life for her so much happier.

We spent 3 weeks this summer in Weymouth for the sailing Olympics. We only saw the sailing on TV of course, but it was nice to be part of the atmosphere and to see the Carnival after with team GB. This I managed to video.

We both have fond memories of walking along the beach to the town centre. Going for that wonderful evening swim when the sea was so warm and the sand so soft. Laughing and giggling and feeling proud that at last she is enjoying swimming in the sea when before she would rather go into the swimming pool. Not one ounce of fear, even when earlier that day Mummy had been told to get out of the Water in Bridport because of a shark sighting. This is the life she wants (not the shark but ..) the sea air, the water and the beach. To be happy you need surrounding that make you feel good. She said to me last night "Mummy if I have a bad day at school in Weymouth we can just go to the beach together and forget about it!" Bless her! We are pretty trapped here because I cannot afford to drive. The beaches are amazing but you need a car! At least school is walking distance. I was so lucky when I got this house as it we can make as much noise as we want and not bother the neighbours because it is detached. And there are shops down the road, walking distance even a big Tesco. And of course all the schools you could wish for within walking distance.

This morning I made Little Snowflake her usual boiled eggs

I made Little Snowflake her usual boiled eggs and walked her off to school. We saw her new friend and her Mum said "Where are you going" I replied "We are walking the fun way through the school field!" That little walk through the school field makes her feel a little better. Every child deserves happiness. And as my Mother and Sister suffer from an illness thanks to bullying from school and other things I feel it is important to make sure Little Snowflakes takes a different and happier road to a better life!

Little Snowflake remember you are a very talented little girl who can draw and sing. Just do your best through school and remember dreams can come true!

My name is Sharon J. Bainbridge and I am on Google+. A Mother with a dream for a better and kinder world for all our children!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Monday 3 September 2012

Harry Hill is on our You Tube page

Harry Hill advert is on our You Tube page. We adore Harry Hill and have created some comedy sketches using his Harry Hill mask with Little Snowflake. So when we saw the Harry Hill advert advertising his new comedy show we felt so proud. Thank you Google and Harry for supporting Little Snowflake!

Anyone booking Harry Hills new show? The thing I really like about him is that he does a lot of child friendly comedy and is just a naturally funny man.

Sharon J.  Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Back to school boo hoo

I have not told my little girl that she is back to school tomorrow because she will totally freak out and get upset. She is very much like me as a child, holidays were the best time of my childhood and she feels exactly the same. Playing and having fun free from hum drum routine and pressures of having to be like everyone else. She hates maths and created this rap song:

Don't get me wrong her school is totally amazing. And they have some wonderful teachers. But it is hard studying when you are little as all you want to do is play! And if you are more artistic then you find school work pretty dull!

Her headmaster is brilliant and teaches the choir, which she was asked to join this year. I still cannot get over how she stood up and sang solo on her own.

So there is Little Snowflake sleeping away upstairs, unaware that school starts tomorrow and it is back to hard work and routine instead of play, play and having fun all day. I remember that first day back to school after the long summer break, I hated it. Some children get bored in the holidays but I never did and neither does my little girl. I guess arty people never get bored.

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Sunday 2 September 2012

How to get kids to eat brown bread

All kids (children) need a little brown bread in their diet. Problem is if they are brought up on white bread it is very hard to get them to eat brown bread. But I finally cracked it! My little girl has boiled eggs and soldiers near enough every morning, especially on school days. This holiday I decided to try her with some brown as she suffers from stomach ache now and again, which the brown bread seems to be helping.


Well every child is different but Little Snowflake loves the weight watchers malted brown bread because it is crispy when you toast it and it has a really nice taste. I give her one piece of white toast and two slices of weight watchers malted brown bread. The good thing about the weight watchers bread is that it is full of  fibre, probably more than any other brown bread which is great for all the children that suffer from belly ache because they cannot go to the bathroom. This bread certainly gets things moving in the right direction.

Due you remember that Nimble bread advert up, up and away. Up, up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon. Boy how I still love that song! Oh well looks like I got the song wrong, ha ha. But this is one of the adverts! Brilliant!


The experts are saying that white bread is not as bad as we think it is so it is good to mix it up. One white slice and one brown. Seeing as the weight watchers brown bread is so small I always give two slices to make up for the one. If you click on the link about the lunch box and scroll down to the bottom of the article you will be able to read about what they think of white and brown bread!

Let me know how you get on with introducing brown bread into your child's diet. Comment below! And good luck!

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

X Factor fairy Janis Joplin cry baby

When I saw Melanie Masson as a fairy on X Factor and then heard her sing Cry Baby by Janis Joplin I thought what a totally unique audition. Good luck Melanie! When you sang Cry Baby one of my favourite youth songs it reminded me of the time when I used to work behind the bar in Mr Cherry's in Hastings, UK. That song rocks and so did you! You have a fantastic voice and I am looking forward to watching your journey. As you can see from my blog I am a fairy too! A Butterfly Lullaby fairy!

Lets compare Melanie Masson to Janis Joplin. Wow I think her audition was amazing and so did the judges. Standing ovation is something every singing artists wishes and dreams for!

Melanie you make a great fairy too! Keep up the good work! I wonder what song she will sing next?

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Fly to NZ house move

Have you ever been to NZ (New Zealand.) I used to fly regularly in my youth. One of the most amazing sites I have ever seen, apart from me catching a shark, was the NZ house being lifted up and moved down the road. That is what I call a house move. Here is someone's video footage of them moving their house to another plot. It is a beautiful Country full of lovely people.

We want to move back to Weymouth, wish we could do the same with our house and garden! Move it all down to Weymouth as the houses and gardens are a lot smaller for the money down their. I adore our garden and have planted many flowers that attract the butterflies so will miss it dearly. Also the old apple tree which I wrote a story about called Sunset Bunny the Easter fairy. Can you see our little fairy door and tree swing? The garden is huge. It is big enough to put a huge swimming pool in the second part of the garden. And has to be the best garden ever for children to grow up in. Only five minute walk to the schools too, perfect, especially for Mummy's that cannot afford to drive! So many garden are not private and you can see your neighbours here we have been totally spoilt. Will we ever find that again in Weymouth?

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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