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Monday, 5 August 2013

Make Finn and Fionna Adventure Time

My daughter asked me to make Finn and Fiona (Fionna) from Adventure Time. I did not have any clay so I had to search the kitchen cupboard. Thankfully I found some flour, salt and food colouring. Here is the end result. I still need to bake them in the oven. My daughter loves Adventure Time she watches it on You Tube. All her friends watch it. But yesterday she said "Mummy look at this." I went over to what she was watching and there was a picture (Cartoon Poster) of a cartoon girl with "0" on under a blanket. The sort of thing that is forced in our Food Shops in front of children, you know the Educated Morons that say "Children cannot see the top shelf." I don't know about other parents, but I find our Western Culture very sick and anti children and family friendly. I would prefer she stopped watching it as I find the wording bizarre. She replied "Mummy you have taught me good old fashioned values and I can help by pointing out any bad bits in the cartoons." After listening to the lyrics of a song and looking at their other videos, sorry but no way (Total Grooming!) There is a video on You Tube about Disney doing exactly the same thing. Now I believe it!


My daughter is a good girl and tells Mummy if she sees anything strange and questions our Western Culture with the revolting magazines in Food Shops etc. She is on this video asking the Film Industry why would they put certain things in a children's movie. I have asked children to stop the video half way through and get their parents. I hope your children are as switched on to bad media like my daughter is! Thousands of children watch adventure time. Do parents understand it? Question it? Well may it is time you should!

Here is a little tutorial by a very talented girl on how to make Finn and Fionna. These are very cute and she is very clever! I have been trying for a long time to get help and support to create a safe place for children to share their videos. Sadly now I know why this is so difficult. There are some really bad people in the media and power. I would not allow my daughter to have a You Tube account etc so I would expect other parents to do the same. And look forward to hearing from this little girls mother who created this lovely film.

Here is my little tutorial on how to make a fairy spoon using Salt Dough.
 These are the other things I made for the fairy tea set.

This is how you make Salt Dough. Remember if you are adding food colouring do not add as much water.

Share your stories and videos with us. Hopefully with a big, huge fight we will win and get a child friendly place where children can be creative away from bad people. That goes for a real music chart too. You know music that you listen to and stuff that does not groom children into acting older. We need child and family friendly things to be promoted because our world is just a wee bit too strange. Wake up!

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Make a Salt Inhaler for Asthma Himalayan Salt

If you are struggling financially this is a great idea on how to make a Salt Inhaler for Asthma.

I have a friend who recommends this Salt Inhaler as she has many friends that have used it and have never felt better. They have stopped using prescribed medication and their asthma has improved. Even her Grandchild used to be really poorly on prescribed med's but this helped him. I tried to find this inhaler and could only find a nasal one.

What sets your Asthma off? We have a pet bunny rabbit who is so cute, but sadly when my daughter pats her she can end up with itchy eyes and gets wheezy. That is why she always washes her hands after making a fuss of our little Cindy Woo. Here is Cindy Woo getting up to no good as usual.

Cindy Woo in the shower.

Please share your stories and videos with us on You Tube
Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

I want Mummy (Mommy) at home!

"I want Mummy (Mommy) at home." This is what my child wants and I just wonder, if I was to do a survey would we find that all children want the same. I think we all know the answer to that one. Yes! Family is the most important thing in the world to a child. Having a birth mother and father gives them security and stability. So it is important our media promotes real family life and protects it. Little girls need to know that they are important and should be respected as human beings. The media must change to be child and family friendly.

When I go into any shop with my daughter, the staff always comment on her lovely manors. She has lovely manors because she spends a lot of time with Mummy (Mommy.)

Here is my confident little creative girl. What mother would not want to be at home and earn from home so she can give her child what she wants and needs?

I adore my daughters little singing book reviews. They are fun and just make you smile.

Binky the Panda art tutorial by Little Snowflake (Snowdrop.) She changed her name because she used to be made fun of in school about her height. And sadly still gets comments from people today.

This is what my daughter thinks about family and how much she loves us all. What a clever song. She made it up on the spot. A true little talented artist.

Original song by Snowdrop (Little Snowflake.) Made up on the spot. Clever girl. She loves animals, I was going to get her a little mouse but got her a bunny rabbit instead.

Meet Fidget, he was the school pet. Her old teacher was lovely.
Shame she had problems with a few other teachers.

My Nan was an orphan, so I feel for any child that has lost their parents. She made sure our childhood was a happy one and taught us good old fashioned family value where children are always put first. I have to say she is my idol. Hopefully one day I will be in a position to help children. This is our family song about two children that have lost their parents because of a drunk driver.

Share your stories and videos with us. And interview your child and ask them
what does family mean to them and if they had a choice, would they want Mummy (Mommy) at home?

Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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