I am so excited because my local school has kindly offered to do an art and word competition with me. Schools need funding so we will split the profit 50/50.
When you are an artist making cheap postcards to present your work to others is a must. The ones I have had printed are such high quality that they will not fit through your normal home printer. But for me that is not a problem because I like to use high quality images to show off our artwork. So it is just a case of getting your photographs printed by a professional photo printing company and sticking them on the back of the postcard.
They look stunning. I love the glossy finish but you may prefer mat. The postcards I use are 4x6 inch. Some photo printing companies cheat a little on the sizing so make sure you go for the best. If you would like to order some blank postcards get in touch: misschilliebee@msn.com
Here are some characters I made out of plastic, based on my little girls characters above. She asked me "Mummy all my friends have award plaques, why don't I?" I think I should buy her one for being a great artist, what do you think?
The blog below about how to make cheap postcards is my most popular blog of all with many comments.
I tried buying blank postcards and non of them were any good, so I ended up creating my own so they match perfectly to the photo size I need. They are only 30p each, discount on bulk orders so will leave it up to you. Contact me Sharon: misschilliebee@msn.com
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE: Email: misschilliebee@msn.com www.butterflylullaby.co.uk, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story