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Saturday, 30 July 2011

Endangered butterflies: Meadow brown, Gatekeeper, Holly blue and Skipper butterfly all live on the Bont school butterfly meadow

I have just had a message from Fairies World sending me a link to a BBC article about endangered butterflies. I will share the link with you in a minute. But first lets just recap. Some butterflies recently regarded as common species are now believed to be joining the list in need of protection. Including the Meadow brown, Gatekeeper and Holly blue. Well here are our pictures of these three butterflies on the Pontarddulais Primary School butterfly meadow. Also note the Skipper butterfly I photographed which looks very much like the Lulworth Skipper which is most at risk and needs saving!

See for yourself and read the BBC article about endangered butterflies. What I really want to know is why Marks & Spencers and the Butterfly Conservation are not giving Pontarddulais Primary School the help and support they need to save this amazing butterfly meadow?

Here is the article about the most at risk butterflies including the Lulworth Skipper butterfly which looks very much like the one I photographed on the school butterfly meadow:
Help save Pontarddulais Primary school field
Please let me know you have joined by leaving a comment on my blog. Thanks.

And if you love butterflies please forward this blog to everyone you know. We need as much support as possible for the little people of this world! Our children deserve to play in a butterfly meadow and play sports on their sports field! Stop steeling their childhood!  fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's)

Monday, 25 July 2011

Cheap frog pond - use your old sandpit fill with water and frogs will come

Children love and adore frogs. If you have an old sandpit, just fill it with water and add a few leaves. The rain will make the water safe for frogs to lay their eggs in. And low and behold you will get tadpoles and frogs in your garden. We put a lovely water lilly in our pond, which this frog clearly loves. Make sure the frogs can get in and out of the pond. Some people put big rocks in so they have somewhere to sit on, especially near the edge of the pond so he can get in and out.

Here is one of our little frogs sitting on his little apple boat in our old paddling pool. This is back in 2009. The little boy singing is now a little actor, so watch this space.

Here are some photos and video footage of baby tadpoles turning into frogs. We took them indoors, put them in the fish tank and fed them fishflakes. We ended up setting free so many little baby frogs we lost count. An amazing experience for both me and my little girl. I have never grown a frog before so it was fun watching the tadpoles grow into tiny baby frogs.

When we let this little baby frog go free, I could not believe it when a tiny little insect sat next to him. They were exactly the same size. Just shows you how tiny the baby frogs are!

In the video below I have a go at making a frog out of dough. Cheaper than playdough. But sadly the little frog got burnt. Cooking is one of those things I am not very good at! Hopefully you will have better luck. You don't have to use dough of course let your imagination go wild.

I hope that the two little ponds we made out of the sandpit will also help little dragonflies too. I believe they start off in the water. We have planted butterfly bushes and we are trying to have a batch of stringing nettles for caterpillars to feed on. Holly for the butterflies to lay their eggs on. So this time next year hopefully we will see lots of wonderful creatures in our garden. If we can save our bumble bees and butterflies by planting the right sort of plants in our garden there is hope for our children and their children to enjoy the beauties of Mother Nature!

I will leave you with just some of the amazing wildlife in our Butterfly Lullaby garden, which I managed to capture last year. My partner is upstairs creating another butterfly song for me so have to go. Have fun in your garden! fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's)

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