This song Up Up and Away makes me smile.
Sunny - I still today adore this song.
Eva Cassidy - Somewhere over the rainbow. The most beautiful version of this song ever made.
Bob Marley - He sang with a message, like Michael Jackson.
My memory is not what it used to be. Help me remember some really good songs.
I am the founder of Butterfly Lullaby and this morning I came across this Butterfly Lullaby song. I have to say, I very much like it! Beautiful! Butterflies are healing creatures, angels even!
Our daughter made teachers and parents cry when she sang Michael Jackson's song "Heal the World."
God bless all our children! I don't go to church but I know there is a God and he would want us all to help protect our children from the bad world we live in as a team!
Michael Jackson's song Heal the World. His message to all us people was to do all we can to protect and help children worldwide. He gave to the children. There are many corrupt charities in this world and we have to question why are children and families still starving?
Remember we all have rights. And our children especially depend on us to protect them.
It saddens me that I have had to make this video. But the message is strong. We must protect children and stop brainwashing them with sex. Childhood is innocence. We do not watch TV anymore because it is all about sex and greed. Nothing child or family friendly to offer. If only the Mothers I am working with re the carnival knew just how Disney does not give a damn about children, so why promote it? Britney Spears was a Disney child and so was Christina, look at them now! It is sad and shameful, they are trapped in an industry that has destroyed their childhood innocence!
Don't let people brainwash you into thinking single parents is normality. We have to work harder at our relationships and give our children what they need and want and that is a real Mother and Father, Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles and Cousins. This is my daughters song "Family Joy." Can you hear how much she loves her family? Give our children that right to smile and look back on their childhood with happiness not sadness. Give them their family back and stop "Forced Adoption for Profit!"
If you want to contact me, leave me a message on one of my You Tube Videos. I do not get all my messages, funny that, but don't give up, keep trying! We must create a child friendly music chart together as a team. God bless!