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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Google Translate Funny Homeschool

I love my Mummy. I love, love, love, love my Mum.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               She's the best Mummy in world. I love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, my Mum. My mummy is the best mummy in the world.

J'aime ma maman. J'adore, j'adore j'adore, j'adore ma mère, elle la meilleure maman au monde. Je t'aime, amour, amour, amour, amour, amour, amour, amour, ma maman, ma maman est la meilleure maman au monde.

SPANISH Amo a mi mamá. Me encanta, me encanta el amor, amo a mi mamá, ella es la mejor mamá en el mundo. Te quiero, amor, amor, amor, amor, amor, amor, amor, mi mamá, mi mamá es la mejor mamá del mundo.

Miluji svou maminku. Miluju, miluju lásko, miluji svou matku, ona nejlepší mumie v celém světě. I láska, láska, láska, láska, láska, láska, láska, láska, moje máma, moje máma je nejlepší mumie na světě. 

أنا أحب بلدي مومياء. أنا أحب، أحب الحب، والحب أمي، وقالت انها أفضل مومياء في العالم. أنا الحب، والحب، والحب، والحب، والحب، والحب، والحب، والحب، أمي، مومياء بلدي هو أفضل مومياء في العالم.

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story


                               FAMILY JOY LYRICS  

Mm mmm mmm la la la la la
Family, family, hay joy
Mummy, daughter, father
Daddy and Mummy and me
Family, oh Family eee

Grandma, let me tell you something about her rrrr
 She loves her antiques
She likes to get things at the car rrrrr boot
Let me tell you about Grandad
He likes to go to the car boot

Let me tell you, let me tell you, let me tell you about Auntie Lou Lou
Oowoooo sometimes she lays in bed
Oowoooo sometimes she gets up and then
Oowoooo sometimes she gets her food
And sometimes she goes out
But not a lot you see ooo ooooo hooooooooo ooooo

Ooooo I've got a Nanny, I don't know how to explain her
Sometimes she's ill you see, but I don't blame her
It's only her illness
She can't help it
But she is still          
A beautiful Nanny

Grandad loves reading his magazines
Grandad drives to loads of  places
Grandad oh my Grandad
Grandad a lot to say about him you see
He loves to read his magazines
Wo wo 
He  loves to watch his TV eeee
Wo ooo
Oh oh oh wo wo oo
Oh oh oh wo wo oo

I can't explain all my Grandads
Because I've got a lot 

O let me let you something about my Mummy
She is an artist, she is caring, she is lovely, I love my Mummy  
She is awesome and beautiful
My Mummy, my Mummy
She's the best of them all
Not the bestest like my Daddy  he's the best AS WELL
My Mummy and Daddy's the best of all
Let me tell you something about my Daddy
He sings wooooo
He comes up to see me every Saturday and Sunday
He sings, he does his work
That's all I can say about my Daddy

 I've got one more to tell about
I've got one more to tell about
It is Cindy Woo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Cindy Woo is my pet bunny
She chews up everything you will see 
She is adorable
But don't be blinded by her cuteness
She is sometimes a scrapbag
She chews, chews, chews
But she is cute, cute, cute

That's my family. Sometimes weird but awesome too.

Here is the full song "Family Joy" by Snowdrop child artist about her family and
how much she loves us all!

Our little girl is donating this song once re-recorded to the only real Children's
Charity in the UK "Children screaming to be heard!"

Please sign this petition and help end abuse against innocent children!

After this video please read on, as it is important people understand and support one another as a team to get the UK (World) back on it's feet and bring back innocent family values for our children's sake worldwide. We have to put children first at all times.

Song created by a child artist, Snowdrop, about her love for all her family
Date created  previous to 19th February 2013

This is our little girl at just 3 years old. She is singing her little heart out and bangs her head on the chair. Children can be so accident prone when they are young. Before the video she hurt her hand. I want to be  part of a very special movement to save children all around the world from the media that destroys their innocent childhood. Give all children a voice to be heard!   

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Monday, 29 April 2013

Homeschool fun learning

Homeschool fun learning. State run schools are full of bullies and competition. If you check out homeschooled children you will find they act like children and not grown ups. The do not swear and are polite kids. They enjoy their childhood as they are not pressured or bullied to learn, or forced to act like a grown up like children in state run school's. Mothers should be teaming up to put a stop to this disgusting rubbish going on in schools. And wake up to what is really happening to our children and why. Childhood is meant to be innocent not seedy!

Here is  my daughter learning spellings in the sand. I just adore her little singing voice. And to all the bullying  grown ups that think she should be in school, you need to seriously look at the damage schools cause children and teachers with these school checks. Forced learning! Not to mention the sick education they now teach  five year olds.

I was horrified when I found this magazine in the library, right by the children's reading section. Why are parents not complaining about this sort of thing? What future are our children going to have if they are brainwashed to think this is acceptable. Check out Women's Aid and the amount of victims hurt by some bullying men. I know of four women that have told me their men were addicted to things that destroyed their family life and put them in danger! We need to bring back old fashioned family values!

This is my daughters wonderful singing book review. When she was in school she hated reading. And the education system forces struggling children to read out in front of the class, which of course ends up in tears for those children who find it difficult. There is no funding for children with dyslexia so they suffer all the way  through school.

I really want  Google to sponsor and help homeschooled children and end the bullying. They need their childhood back, which is being destroyed by our sick society. There is more educational information on the Internet than in any school!  I want my daughter to have a Google Career, doing what she is good at as she is very talented. Anything is possible if you  have the right support. Here is my daughters 4 times table song.

Hopefully one day Google will partner with  Butterfly Lullaby and create a child friendly video music and TV channel, bringing back innocence to children all around the world and protecting them from harm.

This is my daughter singing her little heart out at  3 years old. Very accident prone like most children.
Please listen to her beautiful song "Family Joy." This is a real child's perspective on how important family life is to them. We have to team up and put an end to our society destroying family life "Children's Lives!"

Please share this website link with all your family and friends and listen out for Little Snowdrop's original song "Family Joy" with music,  which we hope will change history and give all children hope for a better and brighter future. Children Screaming to be heard - LET THEM SPEAK!

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Escher head sculpture

Head sculpture based on work by artist Escher. Metal sculpture made by me, Sharon J. Bainbridge. I am looking for a very rich buyer to make an offer on this sculpture, which will get us back on our feet.

MP John Hemming talks opening about the corruption by our Governments over forced adoption.

A mothers heartbreaking true story. How could they steel her child when she had an accident and fell down a cliff. Her sister was looking after her son, and everyone said he was fine "BUT THEY TOOK HIM ANYWAY!" Why? Because selling children in Britain is huge profit for the Government!

My daughter is giving her beautiful original song "Family Joy" to the only real children's charity in the UK called "CHILDREN SCREAMING TO BE HEARD." She will be singing this song live, it is the second clip on this video by the way, and we hope to get more, and more children involved with fighting for their rights to live with who they want to and not to be stolen from loving families.

Did you know about Jack Straw's gagging order? Preventing innocent children stuck in the care system from speaking out about abuse by the powers that be. Well we must banish it and we need you to help. Support "Children screaming to be heard." I am a mother living off my credit card, not earning from this charity. So all I ask is some love and compassion to change what is happening as Team Great Britain and then the world. My Butterfly Lullaby website could help mothers earn from home if the Government supported family life, but as we see here they profit more from destroying it.

Why are children being stolen from families in the UK? Because Jimmy Savile and the Waterhouse cover up is all connected to this little article and what they are now teaching innocent five year old children in schools! We live in a strange place right now. Not the place I grew up in and was proud to call home! If you do not want your children growing up thinking that they are just objects like women, then act now. This is who I am and where I am and I work for free for Children Screaming to be heard!

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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