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Saturday, 18 May 2013

Moshling Moshi Monster Musical Band

Moshling Moshi Monster Musical Band. Now how brilliant would that be for a Child Friendly Music Chart. This is my daughters amazing guitar Moshling she designed, drew and coloured in herself. Come on Moshi Monsters support my little girl and let her have her right to be homeschooled and have Mummy at home. Here is her little character Gilly the Guitar Moshling animated. Not as good as Moshi Monsters animations, but the cartoon is cute and I love her little voice and adore her original character. He is awesome, as she would say in her child like manor.

This is my daughters "Family Joy" song. How things have changed since I was a little girl. Family used to mean something back then. Now it seems the media advertises things to destroy it and too many children and women are suffering because of it!

Michael Jackson was the one star that cared about children. I think he was stitched up good and proper because he had a kind heart. The amount of money he gave to children's charities and his songs had great meaning. Here is my daughter's voice singing Heal the World. Parents and teachers cried when she sang, why? Because it is such a moving song and she did it justice! Michael would have been so proud!

I believe children should always be put first and family life is important to them. We need to promote it and protect it. Start to question what the Government is doing and piece all the jigsaw together and then you will find the answer. Get in contact with me as teamwork is everything. We do not need a leader we need a team of people who really care about children and family. 
I will leave you with a few songs by famous people. Listen to the lrycis and make that change.

Children are our future! So why are we not helping them? Naughty, disturbed children are children that have not had the love and family life they deserve!

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Guess How Much I Love You, singing book

Guess how much I love you, all year round (Four Seasons.) What a wonderful book! My daughters singing book review, by Snowdrop. Let us know if your child enjoyed her story telling. There are more stories by Snowdrop on You Tube and on our blog.
She also has two blogs, child friendly!

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

Steven Spielberg dyslexia film 2013

Steven Spielberg and my daughter have a lot in common, they both have dyslexia. They were both made fun of in school and made to feel worthless. I bet if he had the technology we have today he would have created a film about what he went through in school using his toys, just like my daughter has. Mr Spielberg I wish I could contact you as your video will help many children and I have ideas how to help them further, we just need a team that cares and wants to force change in schools so all children are treated with respect and humanity. I wonder how many children have grown into adults feeling worthless and stupid? Time to change that as Mr Steven Spielberg proves that dyslexic people are just pure geniuses when it comes to real talent!

Here is Part 1 of School Bullying, Moshi Monster style, partly based on my daughter's school life (She is Honey.) Poor Penny, her best friend (BFF) is still in school and hates going. I wish I could get support to set up a Google Homeschool so kid's no longer need to suffer. My daughter has had some kind teachers, but sadly school checks stress a lot of teachers out and that is why our poor children, especially those with dyslexia etc get picked on and bullied. Forced to keep up! If your child is suffering in school, remember there is no money to help dyslexic children so they will not get the support they need. And I can prove my daughter has improved no end since being homeschooled. All documented! The Council block all Homeschool groups through the Library, funny that!

Here is my daughters Maths Rap, she created this song when she was made fun off for not knowing her times tables. Listen to just how stressed out she is! The teacher knew she struggled and it is time to put a stop to kids being picked on in this manor, so parents really need to join together and create a Children's Council to give kid's their rights back. We need to protect family life and promote it to keep them safe.

Thank you Mr Steven Spielberg for sharing your childhood with us. Well you proved all the bullies wrong, maybe that is why they made fun of you because they could see you had a gift. And just maybe that is why schools are forced to crush dyslexic children because they have the potential to be pure genius. Maybe one day dyslexia will not be seen as a disability but merely a blessing! Lastly I want to thank my daughters old teacher, the kind one for understanding her and not forcing her to do more than she is capable of.


This is my daughters Mind Map now I have opened her mind to just how talented she really is! Who knows she may go into making films like Mr Steven Spielberg!

Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+ SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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