The new Princess Diana film I have read is an insult to her memory. I have not seen the film and I have never been a Royal Fan, but today her memory holds a very special place in my heart as she was a women that spoke her mind and showed great courage and commitment to others. The Queen of Hearts is a title she earned and her memory will live on forever as the Princess that cared about children and every day people. If this film is as bad as they say it is, I feel this is just another attempt to destroy children and family life.When Prince William and Harry speak proudly of her and state that "She was the best mother in the world!" I believe she has more than earned this title with the loveless marriage she tried so hard to save and her fight to give Prince William and Prince Harry a true family upbringing with the love and support from a Mother and Father, instead of single parents. Divorce was something she very much wanted to avoid as it left a very bad childhood memory where her own mother had abandoned her as a child. Children need a Mother and Father for a happy and stable family life! All she ever wanted was to be loved and no mother or father should have to put up with a cheating partner (Children need true role models to look up to!)
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story
If Princess Diana were alive today I know she would support stay at home mothers 110% and do all she could to help them earn from home so children can spend more time with Mummy. My daughter wished Princess Diana was alive today so she could meet and tell her how much she admired her family values and how she respected the way she always tried to put her children first. I recently watched a film about her, which showed clearly that she wanted to be a stay at home mother and look after her children herself. Sadly she was pressured to work, but this did not stop her putting her foot down when she refused to go to Australia without her baby son William. In another film Prince William asks "Why does my father not want to see me?" The papers clearly picked up on Prince Charles absence from hospital when his son had a serious head injury. Princess Diana waited in the hospital, whilst Prince Charles carried out his engagements. The saddest thing for me personally is how Princess Diana tried so hard to keep the marriage together even though Charles had cheated on her throughout their relationship/marriage. I often wonder if Prince Charles had been the dutiful husband to Princess Diana that we had expected, would men today treat women differently and with more respect? Perhaps Prince William will change things and give children and family hope for a better future and gain the respect they all so deserve by promoting real family life, as Princess Diana would have wanted it!
Princess Diana would have made an excellent counsellor as she really cared about people and tried to help.
It is time to stop glamorizing the Mistress and start promoting real mothers with true family values who put their children and family first! Princess Diana deserved a husband that respected her as a human being and honoured her as the mother of his children. Western Culture is a disgrace to humanity!