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Sunday, 16 October 2011

Winifred Josephine Myles nee Melson Burmese French from Rangoon Burmah

We are searching for Burmese and French family related to Winifred Josephine Myles nee Melson. As you can see she was a beautiful lady and very elegant with her hat and gloves. Stunning vintage 1900 photograph that we will treasure forever.

My Nan Sybil Stanley Myles was born in Rangoon, Burma. She had two brothers. Sadly when Great Grandad (English) died of an illness that could have been cured if caught in time she took her own life to save her children from poverty. Back in those days mixed race marriages were not accepted in England. Nan suffered from the loss of her Farther and Mother and was put in care with her brothers. The foster parents were church people but obviously did not pray to the God that we do as they made the children sleep and eat in a shed. Can you imagine how hungry and cold they must have been. No wonder Nan suffered with arthritis so badly.

With all the problems in the world I feel very proud of the Burmese people and their strength. I don't think I know of one person that actually believes in fighting verbally for change in the world, which is very sad as we need to think about the world our children live in and protect them all. Every child deserves a decent and happy life no matter what background they come from and to feel safe and secure., fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's)

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