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Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Dolls Masks Monster High, Bratz, Barbie

I have started selling my handmade dolls masks on Ebay. The Monster High Bat masks seem the most popular. So here is the bat mask, cobweb hat and wings, which are catching the eye of buyers on Ebay. Just recently I have created a little screen play for Monster High based around my Butterfly Lullaby fairy story. As you can see there is a vampire bat in  my story ...

The Butterfly Princess turns into a Vampire Bat at night and drains her mother of all her energy. This is my recent butterfly mask based on Butterfly Lullaby.

I adore the Olympics Flag masks. How do you go about reproducing and getting them in shops? Big companies sure do make it difficult for us small people to achieve in life! I feel like I am running in some sort of Olympic Games to just provide for my child every day.

I created this Olympic Italian dolls mask for Monica from London Mum's Magazine and also sent her the dolls top to match. She loves the Union Jack flag so much I also decided to send her a top for that with matching Union Jack flag mask.

And here is the Welsh flag mask. Wales is still part of the Olympics as we are the UK!

Bunny masks which are great for Easter and fit Bratz dolls as well as Monster High and Barbie.

I sold this black bunny mask on Ebay to a lovely lady in the USA. She also does Photoshop and is a photographer for the stars. What a complement that she loves my work. And funny thing is her father was born in Swansea, Wales! Small world ah!

I tried to hand paint this Union Jack mask. Took too long!

Lagoona Blue fish mask. This is one of my favourites and I adore the costume I fluked.

Well you can see the bat mask more clearly here. What do you think?

The Internet needs to be more child and family friendly. That is why my little girl always wears a mask. This Butterfly mask with matching Bratz doll mask is so cute. Funny thing is we found a Blue Holly Butterfly on our school field which my friend managed to photograph for us. I photographed the Lulworth Skipper rare butterfly. Do hope our school field gets saved as it is just too beautiful to sell off for housing. Butterflies love it there and so do our kids. It is the best school field around.

Another butterfly photographed on the butterfly/flower meadow (sports field.) Which I based on my white butterfly mask.

Since finding out I am related to Madison from Australia who is competing for the London Paralympic games 2012, I thought I would create a tribute to her in the form of a Monster High Doll. This is my hand painted dolls top with the Australian flag painted on with stripy shorts. Go Madi!

Last of all here is my fairy party idea for Butterfly Lullaby. I wonder how that will sell on Ebay?

Keep coming back as I am forever creating different costumes and things. And would love to see your creations!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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