J K Rowling depression charity. I heard on the news that J K Rowling with all her billions is still suffering from depression. They made a good point in that how can she still be depressed when she has everything? To me personally anyone that is struggling through life and not getting the support they deserve is going to be fed up and sometimes this gets mixed up with depression. Instead of popping happy pills the UK needs to help people get out of financial difficulties by making it easier for them to earn a decent salary. Just maybe if people stopped wasting their time idolising the rich and famous and actually spent more time trying to help the less fortunate we would have a better world for our children!
Well J K Rowling if you read this blog. I am sorry but I cannot feel sorry for you. Everyone has pain in their life. And some worse than others. I feel blessed that I do not suffer from my Sisters and my Mothers illness which is very serious. Imagine your friends refusing to let you bring your sister out for a night out because she suffers from an illness that makes her hear voices. But when she was well she used to always come out with my friends and I. Schizophrenia has to be the worst illness on the planet. These people are really isolated and discarded by society. Depression is nothing compared to this illness. The pain these people go through is just unbearable. My sister tells me she just wants to die. She cannot take the voices any more. Now that is someone I feel sorry for, not J K Rowling who had a lucky break and is still harping on about depression.
My sister wrote a very sad poem about how she has mirrored our mothers illness. It is called Mother. My partner turned it into a very haunting song. This song was played on local radio a year or so ago.
If I only had the money to try and help these people. All they need is some compassion and understanding. I believe if they had hypnotherapy treatment they would be able to get over the past that makes them so ill and move forward. But the problem is the tablets numb out all emotions. I miss my sister and the way she used to laugh. If only British women would fight verbally for our rights as Mothers to support our children, instead of idolising Kate Middleton and J K Rowling. Here is part of my story and how some men can be total control freak bullies. We need to change them and change women so our children have a better future.
I know that if I had the support I could turn peoples lives around by helping Mothers earn from home using the Internet with no damn fees.
Contact: Sharon J. Bainbridge English Flower alien Mother with a dream so big, I may have to find another planet! https://plus.google.com/104251289011091479681
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE: http://www.facebook.com/people/Sharon-J-Bainbridge www.butterflylullaby.co.uk, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story
My Mother in law suffers from depression and has done since a little girl. I analyse her life and think no wonder she is depressed as she has a lot of financial stress. She came round to the house unexpectedly and was shocked at the amount of damp we are living in and asked do you need any help. And I am thinking yes I need some ruddy justice for what the Internet did to my business stopping me from Trading and also help with fighting the mis-sold problem on the property. But no she was not asking that, she was asking if I needed help with depression because the house is a mess etc. Yes the house gets me down and I cannot stand the way it makes my little girl ill with asthma and the fact that I have gone from no inhalers to really strong ones thanks to the house and working in the run down school canteen. If I was to look at my doctors records I would see that in just that year of working at the school my asthma went from only taking inhalers when I was ill to all the time constantly and being unable to breathe.
So no I do not need help with depression as I am not depressed I am just being ripped off by the rich which I refuse to let go. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself I am too busy fighting to create a better life for my little girl. Here she is crying her eyes out. I do understand that depression is an illness and I am glad that I do not suffer from it. But I also understand that people that suffer from depression usually have a very stressful life with many money worries. There is always someone worse off than yourself my Nan used to say and this is very true. I don't have a lot of time for rich and famous people as they in my view should be doing more to help Mothers earn from home so they can support their children. If only J K Rowling would sponsor the CRB check website for struggling Mothers and children then that would be something to be proud of. Mum's need to earn from home with no damn fees. It is time to stop being selfish and start supporting. And children deserve to shine in a safe environment away from the selfish adults that put trash before kids. You know those sites that destroy families by encouraging grown ups to cheat.
Here is my little girl crying her eyes out and asking why will no one help me. The Council and Government could do more. But sadly it is run by rich people who have no idea what financial struggle is all about. Heck the rich make it difficult for the less fortunate to live as they pay such awful wages.
Well J K Rowling if you read this blog. I am sorry but I cannot feel sorry for you. Everyone has pain in their life. And some worse than others. I feel blessed that I do not suffer from my Sisters and my Mothers illness which is very serious. Imagine your friends refusing to let you bring your sister out for a night out because she suffers from an illness that makes her hear voices. But when she was well she used to always come out with my friends and I. Schizophrenia has to be the worst illness on the planet. These people are really isolated and discarded by society. Depression is nothing compared to this illness. The pain these people go through is just unbearable. My sister tells me she just wants to die. She cannot take the voices any more. Now that is someone I feel sorry for, not J K Rowling who had a lucky break and is still harping on about depression.
My sister wrote a very sad poem about how she has mirrored our mothers illness. It is called Mother. My partner turned it into a very haunting song. This song was played on local radio a year or so ago.
If I only had the money to try and help these people. All they need is some compassion and understanding. I believe if they had hypnotherapy treatment they would be able to get over the past that makes them so ill and move forward. But the problem is the tablets numb out all emotions. I miss my sister and the way she used to laugh. If only British women would fight verbally for our rights as Mothers to support our children, instead of idolising Kate Middleton and J K Rowling. Here is part of my story and how some men can be total control freak bullies. We need to change them and change women so our children have a better future.
When you look at how the rich shut the door to quickly you have to question does money make people bad?
I know that if I had the support I could turn peoples lives around by helping Mothers earn from home using the Internet with no damn fees.
Contact: Sharon J. Bainbridge English Flower alien Mother with a dream so big, I may have to find another planet! https://plus.google.com/104251289011091479681
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