How to make a Sylvanian families flower tutu. Gorgeous shiny fabric and I even made the little hair bobble too. I have been thinking about my Mind Map and looked at my blog. Most of my hits are from America (thanks guys for your support.) There is also a very special lady that has an amazing doll blog that often comments, big thank you for taking time to leave a message from time to time. It is amazing how comments from readers can really brighten your day! I must add her blog to one of my write ups. It looks like the blogs with the biggest hits are my arts and craft blogs. Wow! So that tells me I must be doing something right.
One of my favourite flowers is the Lavatera. Don't you think the flower tutu looks like this pretty little flower?
Ok wish me luck, part of my Mind Map I am trying to clear the house of 5 years of old toys, clothes etc. I am going to see if I can sell little kits made up from scraps of material like the above Flower Tutu. The leotard is drying in the kitchen as I have partly hand painted it. Will have to remember to upload the finished picture to see what readers think of the Lavatera flower tutu with a touch of gold!
Sharon J.Bainbridge Google+
4:27. For of a truth there assembled together in this city against thy 17:20. And being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God should together to the tower; and when Maimoune had shown him the place,
I had to add this comment and reply. I do not know what this has to do with Sylvanian families for one. But for two please church people explain to me how my poor friend can watch her house burn down and not one churchy person was their for her? I believe in God but not the church! Mind Map for Mother is what God is all about, sharing is caring!
Should read MIND MAP FOR MOTHERS! A plan for a better future for all GODS CHILDREN!
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