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Thursday, 9 May 2013


Something to make you smile and laugh! Today my daughter and I, whilst researching Google (Mind Mapping working for Google as her career path ,) found this amazing talented guy called "The Beardyman" and "Nathan Flutebox Lee" who gigged in Google's London Offices last year. Well who needs music when you can have Beatboxing! Thank you Google for sharing this video as these two guys made my daughter and I laugh and smile, it just brightened up our rainy day. We could not help but dance with joy. A real breath of fresh air to a new type of entertainment. What outstanding talent we have, and we get to see all different artists all over the world thanks to YOU TUBE. Who needs brainwashing TV when you have so much entertainment on the Internet. After all the TV has no morals when it comes to children's rights to have a childhood. Too busy making money out them. Enjoy this video, I could watch it again, and again. Smile! 

British humour for me usually is so dull and boring that I fall asleep. But this guy the Bearded Man (Beatbox) is just so funny. He sets your day off with a real glimmer in your eye. This is real entertainment, not like the trash on TV. Searching You Tube is like opening up a magical box full of mystery. You never know what sort of talent you are going to stumble on next! Love the wig Beardyman, really adds to your sunny humour.

Meet Ben Lindsay, and listen to his outstanding song about what life is like living on the streets of London. I wonder would the Beardyman beatbox with him at the Children's Live Aid in London? Now that would be something I would really love to see. But sadly, if he has a manager, which no doubt he does, we would have to pay him to perform. I think to myself, all those famous people in our world, and not one is allowed to do a charity event for these suffering children for free. What has our world come to? If I, as a struggling mother am working for free for the charity "Children Screaming to be heard" and have no income, due to the lack of help and support in our Country for mothers trying to earn from home, then why can't rich people show some compassion, and tell their agents to take a run and jump! Ben has been on the street from an early age as a child, and Maggie Tuttle has seen children on the streets at the age of just 3 years old. These kids are screaming inside "Help me, help me, please!" Not allowed by law to speak out. And I get religious people trying to tell me to give up and let God deal with it. "News flash: HE IS NOT COMING!" It is our job as Mothers, Fathers and Grandparents to protect all our children and their future! Not Gods! And I am seriously starting to question what people are running these churches by brainwashing people to sit on their lazy backside and just wait for God to help poor innocent children. It is pretty obvious to me that person is obviously batting for the other side! My Nan was a church person, but she would fight to save children, because she was a wonderful women and I intend on trying to follow her example of human kindness for those poor children that have no voice and need someone to speak for them, all thanks to Maggie Tuttle and her amazing charity "CHILDREN SCREAMING TO BE HEARD."

My daughter wants Mummy at home. What does your child want?

Here is my daughters message to me, using Google Translate. I wonder why she thinks I am the Best Mummy in the world? Is it because I protect her from bullies and teach her that nobody is allowed to put her down or hurt her. Is it because, I do not put money before my daughters happiness and give my time instead. Just so that she can look back and have wonderful memories of Mummy always being their for her, instead of tied up in some job and her never getting that proper quality time with the one person that matters most, and what all orphaned children cry for. Family moulds a child and helps them grow into wonderful people.
Real Mothers, Fathers and Grandparents are important.That goes for brilliant Step Mothers/Fathers/Grandparents too! And children have the right to that happiness.


Outstanding artists Alexandra and Jonezy Feat, brilliant! Adore the song!

Please share ideas with us on Google+ Contact Sharon J. Bainbridge Google+
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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