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Sunday, 16 August 2020



Perfection is overrated. The message inside is far more important. Some academics will pick fault in this video, and point out that where I said Dyslexic, instead of Dyslexia. 
But this is my point. They are missing the fuller picture!  

State Education is great for popular children, or the ones with thick skins. But for children that are shy, and generally self-concious ... School can be a daughting and scary place. Many children today are really stressed out by our State Education System. Too many exams. Even academic children are suffering. One teen told me she nearly passed out due to all the pressure. For Dyslexic children and children with Autisum, State Education sadly does not cater for these children. Mental Health is currently out of control, too many exams to master what they are good at. And we are ignoring it! 

I sadly know too many people with Mental Health Issues, all caused by State Education and other issues. So I will not be gagged! It is time our Teachers and Governments were given a TEST. And expected to take a Kindness Qualification Exam. To see if they are fit for the JOB!

Watch this space. Will we get a Kindness Exam for our teachers and Governments? I hope so, because then we will see some important changes, that are much needed in our Education System!

P.S. If your child is Dyslexic and is struggling to read. It is important you tell the teachers not to force your child to read aloud. And not to force them to say their Times Tables in front of the class, when that teacher knows damn well that your child struggles. But to give your child one to one help. Building confidence is vital!

Our daughter hated reading in school. She now has a Library of books. And is the most amazing creative writer! This is how I got our child to love reading:

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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