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Friday, 31 August 2012

Little Girl hates make-up - be a kid!

Little girl hates make-up! Little Snowflake really and I mean really hates make-up on children and even Mummy gets moaned at for putting a little on! I only wear a little bit of make-up when I go out, no foundation at all, a bit of mascara, eyeliner and lip liner that is it. But yesterday she made me wash it off. And as I do not want her to make all Mummy's mistakes by growing up and looking like a stupid clown I did not mind at all. When I went down stairs she said "Mummy you look lovely." And even her Daddy commented on how I look better without make-up. I feel very proud that she is not a sheep follower doing what everyone else does in the fear of being different, and has her own mind and knows what is right and wrong. Childhood goes by too quickly it is the best time of your life so enjoy just being a child and forget about trying to be grown up. At her age I was getting my hands dirty making mud pies and going on magical outdoor adventures. These days little girls are painting their nails so would say ooooo no to getting their hands dirty! How sad!

In the video below Little Snowflake is asked why don't you wear make-up and nail varnish like all the other little girls and she replies "Because it is stupid! Would you put make-up on your blue nose tatty teddy toy? NO, so forget about it!"

Please comment below or even add me on Google+ under Sharon J. Bainbridge. Think about all the children in the world that come from split up families. Then take a look at your life and analyse where it went wrong. I know I would have been treated completely different if I had worn far less make-up and wish I had a role model back then that told me I was beautiful just the way I was. But hey I have a role model now and she is called "Little Snowflake." This Mummy does not want my little girl to make all the mistakes I made in life because I was not happy with the way I was and wore a mask of make-up to try and be someone else!

P.S. I know Google would only put family adverts on my blog so please report any that are not! Thank you!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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