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Friday, 31 August 2012

Mummy blogs so much keyboard worn out!

This Mummy blogs so much the keys on the keyboard have worn out! My little girl keeps asking Mummy when are you going to buy a new keyboard as I cannot see the letters, you have worn them all out with your super fast typing! Well I have got a new keyboard but I am using that for the games animation course I hope to start when Little Snowflake goes back to school.

Google I just love my blog, thank you so much for all your support over the years for making me feel special when some others tried to make me feel worthless. I received your letter today with my first Google ads check (cheque.) And I am over the moon and feel so proud. Will be nice to one day be earning enough from writing my blogs to tell some people to back off and stop making me feel talentless! I guess I am a bit of a Paralympic blogger as I suffer from dyslexia, but that has not stopped kind people leaving positive comments for me on my Butterfly Lullaby blog.

Last night when we watched the Paralympics Ceremony that was held in London my little girl and I cried when we saw Madison in the Australian Paralympic parade. We are just so proud of all she and others have achieved. This is going to be the best Paralympics ever and it leaves a lovely feeling in your heart knowing that these people could put an end to bullying and open the door to compassion and pride and kindness! It is thanks to Google that I found Madison as I was searching for my Great Grandfather in the Google search engines and their was her family tree with his name in blazing lights!

Good luck Madison, even though we cannot be their to see you race we will be watching at home!

I am on Google+ under Sharon J. Bainbridge. Thanks everyone for leaving kind comments. I hope that this Paralympics and Olympics will open the hearts of people around the world and make them believe that anything is possible if we only try. If our Paralympic teams can achieve their goals then so can we, so take down those brick walls and stop saying no and instead say yes lets give it a go! One day struggling mothers around the world will be supporting one another to earn a living from home so they can be with their children as they are our future!

SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story

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