Robbie Hance update. X-Factor is fake! Found out he has a home with his Mum if he wants it. This is an old post. Updated 17.9.2012 at 12.41 pm
Robbie Hance homeless X-Factor star goes missing! When I watched him sing and heard his sad story I said to my partner I hope that X-Factor now take him under their wing and give him somewhere to live, but I knew deep down in my heart that they would let this poor man down. This man that has yet another absent father and no home to call his own. Ok X-Factors extremely rich X-Factor judges and show producers, please explain why no one gave him somewhere to live! Because you have no hearts and this proves it! All that money you all have and not one person offered him a place to stay! So very plastic!
Quote from the paper from our wonderful, heartless, plastic X-Factor:
"He doesn't have a phone and the only point of contact was through a friend. Producers last spoke to him on Monday but they can no longer reach his friend and have no idea where he is. It's a real worry.
"If he doesn't get in touch by the end of next week, then he'd have to kiss goodbye to any part in the show, which would be a tragedy."
And we wonder why our world is in such a mess. Basically this proves how the rich are unable to put their hand in their pocket and give this poor man a home! I wonder if money will stop this little message getting out? This is my message to the people of Britain. I am ashamed to be British for the way money has taken over compassion. And how can anyone put themselves before our poor children it is just utter selfishness. So many people from fatherless homes like Robbie Hance and no one does anything to bring back family values and force men to respect children and women. Instead good old X-Factor does a very good job of encouraging girls/women to look dumb pathetic pieces of meat instead of respectable human beings. Selling everything except for their voice is no role model for my little girl, and mothers of Britain why are you not complaining? Any mothers out their that put up and shut up then shame on you, because your daughter is going to lead the same unhappy life as you if you do not do something about it. Stop making excuses and prove your love your kids, change this selfish Country to be a Country we can truly be proud of! My name is Sharon J. Bainbridge and I am so glad I have gone through pain through my life as it has made me a better person and shown me that we need money to live, but we need to learn to share!
Robbie Hance if you read this I want you to know that your story touched my heart. My family have gone through so much pain that I can sort of understand what you are going through! But we are the lucky ones! My Nan had such a sad childhood, I often think of her and know she would want me to help you! I would sell my engagement to help you. Our home is run down to say the least but we have a sofa. And I think you would really like us as we are an arty family. My partner is a great Dad to my little girl. I feel so sad that so many people have let you down, especially those with the money and power to change your life. Stay strong and know that there are good people who care. If anyone is out their and knows where he is tell him to get in contact. Give him a roof over his head until I can help him. I am on Google + and Facebook! Find him and help him please! My name is Sharon J. Bainbridge I am a Mother who was once selfish but Motherhood changed me to be a far better person!
Here is the article about Robbie Hance the homeless X-Factor singer. I hope they apologize to the public for letting this poor guy down. And for showing just what a horrible world we have become!
Contact: Sharon J. Bainbridge English Flower alien Mother with a dream so big, I may have to find another planet!
SCRAPBOOK WITH ME, SHARON J. BAINBRIDGE:, fairy songs, fairy portraits, art and crafts for children, music, fairy music, true stories, poems, children's stories, free fairy network for businesses and stay at home Mum's (Mom's) scrapbook layouts every photo tells a story
Robbie Hance homeless X-Factor star goes missing! When I watched him sing and heard his sad story I said to my partner I hope that X-Factor now take him under their wing and give him somewhere to live, but I knew deep down in my heart that they would let this poor man down. This man that has yet another absent father and no home to call his own. Ok X-Factors extremely rich X-Factor judges and show producers, please explain why no one gave him somewhere to live! Because you have no hearts and this proves it! All that money you all have and not one person offered him a place to stay! So very plastic!
Quote from the paper from our wonderful, heartless, plastic X-Factor:
"He doesn't have a phone and the only point of contact was through a friend. Producers last spoke to him on Monday but they can no longer reach his friend and have no idea where he is. It's a real worry.
"If he doesn't get in touch by the end of next week, then he'd have to kiss goodbye to any part in the show, which would be a tragedy."
And we wonder why our world is in such a mess. Basically this proves how the rich are unable to put their hand in their pocket and give this poor man a home! I wonder if money will stop this little message getting out? This is my message to the people of Britain. I am ashamed to be British for the way money has taken over compassion. And how can anyone put themselves before our poor children it is just utter selfishness. So many people from fatherless homes like Robbie Hance and no one does anything to bring back family values and force men to respect children and women. Instead good old X-Factor does a very good job of encouraging girls/women to look dumb pathetic pieces of meat instead of respectable human beings. Selling everything except for their voice is no role model for my little girl, and mothers of Britain why are you not complaining? Any mothers out their that put up and shut up then shame on you, because your daughter is going to lead the same unhappy life as you if you do not do something about it. Stop making excuses and prove your love your kids, change this selfish Country to be a Country we can truly be proud of! My name is Sharon J. Bainbridge and I am so glad I have gone through pain through my life as it has made me a better person and shown me that we need money to live, but we need to learn to share!
Robbie Hance if you read this I want you to know that your story touched my heart. My family have gone through so much pain that I can sort of understand what you are going through! But we are the lucky ones! My Nan had such a sad childhood, I often think of her and know she would want me to help you! I would sell my engagement to help you. Our home is run down to say the least but we have a sofa. And I think you would really like us as we are an arty family. My partner is a great Dad to my little girl. I feel so sad that so many people have let you down, especially those with the money and power to change your life. Stay strong and know that there are good people who care. If anyone is out their and knows where he is tell him to get in contact. Give him a roof over his head until I can help him. I am on Google + and Facebook! Find him and help him please! My name is Sharon J. Bainbridge I am a Mother who was once selfish but Motherhood changed me to be a far better person!
Here is the article about Robbie Hance the homeless X-Factor singer. I hope they apologize to the public for letting this poor guy down. And for showing just what a horrible world we have become!
Contact: Sharon J. Bainbridge English Flower alien Mother with a dream so big, I may have to find another planet!
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